I've been busy - too many art shows going on - Just finished one for a juried show that could bring some very nice prize money. (see above link). Hustling to do a drawing to sell to promote our only non-profit gallery, and trying to get enough prints made for my art show and to sell at the non-profit gallery on downtown Gallery Night. Yep, busy. Grandson went home for a few days and I miss him way too much.
It's probably hit the news - about 174 dead according to one report from so many tornadoes through the South. We were all ok, its just humid and cloudy most of the time - and it makes our 85 F. seem very hot - I guess the one tornado we had that time was enough of our share of them.
Trying to pick up the house some, my sister will come visit.
My mother continues to have lots of problems, thinking she has cancer, is going to have surgery and radiation, when none of the doctors say anything of the sort. I should go the end of June - the weather has me sort of crippled up and moving slowly, but at least the pneumonia/bronch - is a thing of the past - it seemed to get 1/3 of my energy from me and keep it though.
I must run - I'm out of coffee and I can't start the day without it!