I absolutely hate doing domestic pets as I feel I am not good at them. However, when a photographed image of this kitten was given to me, I instantly agreed to do it. Isn't it a wonderful kitten? It's a little Manx. I've posted her over on the Art Site.
She's mostly finished - just a wee bit more to go.
Gardenia shes beautiful. I love how you do that. Do you just draw??? J would love a drawn pix of just the girls done. His mother had one of each of the five kids.
I've not tried people portraits for a long time - ha, ha - financially I'm beginning to wonder if I should set up an easel and chair at events and do that quickie portrait for pay thing. Not very highbrow, but hey, money is money.
She's gorgeous!!!
You captured the eyes soooo well! The eyes are what make the difference between a mediocre painting and a good one. ;)
I think you've done a great job with the little Manx kitten!
A friend of ours "commissioned" a portrait of Cat to give to us as a Christmas present (from a photograph). It's the most thoughtful gift we've ever received! I was so impressed that somebody would go through all that effort. Perhaps there's a line of business you should investigate...?
I love it!
I actually love painting pets. You did an awesome job of the kitten!
I love it. I wish that I had that kind of talent. I have ben longing for a prtrait of my beloved Poodle for over a year now, but all I can do is a stick like kinda thing. Doesn't even look like a dog.
Your talent is amazing!
You received an award on my blog. Pass it on. ;)
I LOVE it. I would love you to do Isabella. . . don't know what you charge? You have that little bit of whimsy that is captivating.
I LOVE this! It's fantastic!
I will mail you some pics of our cats.
You will do a portrait and I don't want a discount.
I'll mail you a cheque for each one inc postage n stuff.
I'll do this 'cause you've got real talent babe n Caz will be so chuffed with 'em it'll be worth every penny.
Mail me.
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