Sunday, August 19, 2007

Oh, No, here they come again..........

Starting to feel a little bit better. I was reflecting on my situation and realized I am at this point due to a bunch of medical blunders. Best not to think about it so I won't be angry. But anger won't help. So's it is best to just concentrate on wellness and go on.

I got up at 4:00 a.m. this morning to make sure the hurricane wasn't projected to be more north and easterly in the Gulf. Up on this side of the Gulf, people are saying, "I couldn't take another one." I don't want to see anyone "taking" it, my prayers are that it will just DIE - it is supposed to be a four. I saw what a "three" did to our area and to New Orleans and this thing, judging by the size, must be a monster. However, Texas, being a favored state says they are ready for it.

Took the boy to a couple of birthday parties today - one was at a new bowling alley which was a new concept in bowling alleys - it was great and he had a good time with his old friends. I visited at length with a Montessori mom who used to be a special ed teacher and has two boys of her own that have been diagnosed with ADD and it was a great visit. I obtained the name of an iridologist from her.

I've purchased some liquid bonding vitamins/mineral supplement for both the grandson and myself. I think mine are starting to take hold. He seems calmer - I think. With the meds he wouldn't eat and he is a skinny boy - with the vitamin/mineral mixture he's eating. We'll see how it goes. School starts Monday. The new school is actually fairly new and in great condition - the art program is stunning - his teacher has a room full of computers that he has acquired, not necessarily through public funding, but his own pocket. I like the man. The school meals are healthy. The school appears to be more secure than most - and grandson won't have to spend two hours of his day traveling to and from school. I volunteered - oh, I don't know how that will go. I love kids one on one - but herds of them -???? Well, I have mellowed so - I'm open, it could be fun and rewarding!

The second party was at the beach and I couldn't stay long because of the heat - but the party was for the son of a Filipino (yeh, Dinners!) nursing friend of my daughters. Oh my, can they cook! We had crawfish, noodles, some sort of dessert made with rice and sweet potatoes, hamburgers, hot dogs, and more and more food! I was treated with the warmth of old friends (even though I had only met three of the folks briefly at a previous time) - it was a large extended family. I reflected once again, how us mixed culture folks seem to sometimes lose out in ways when it comes to traditions, culture, and identity. Well, I guess I come from a family of ornery independent pioneers - ya gotta have those too. But it was a good day - finished with a semi-nap and not having to cook dinner - just bringing out the food sent home with us was a curative to not feeling so well when I got home.


Karen said...

Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. As for the doesn't look good. Latest news from CNN, I heard that it was expected to become a 5. Fingers crossed though that they're wrong and it dies out.

Heidi Grether said...

Video is up!! Yea, can't believe hurricanes are on again.

tweetey30 said...

I saw it on tv on Saturday night and I was thinking about you all weekend and hoping it didnt go your way. Best wishes and wonderful thoughts going your way and hoping nothing happens near you.