Hey, folks, part of my New Year intentions are: Privacy controls on my blog. I am now tediously attempting to email all of you with an invite into my blog. I have also gone Beta, scary - we'll see. So if ya get this wierd invite, that's what's going on. So, I'm trying to figure out why Beta will not take a tab for paragraphs! While looking for pics for New Year's post, I'm wondering why all show celebration, or an old man with a clock? Anyone know? For a person who has suffered depression in the past, most of the stuff concerning New Year's did not interest me, because I was just wondering how on earth to face ANOTHER year. I'm glad things have changed. We did nothing but movies and green chili for New Years. Everyone was working. I've seen enough movies for most of the rest of my life. Well, not really, but sure did watch a lot of them. I'm packing to return to the mountains.
Hey Gardenia, I've managed to come through to your blog after all! Well done for sorting out the privacy issue... there's enough on our plate at any one time without having to worry about nutty stalkers. So, you're not staying in Florida, uh? Is it back to Wyoming and politics for you, then? Whatever you decide, I hope 2007 will be a splendiferous year for you and your loved ones. Stay health and happy, m'dear!
Sorry to hear that your situation has come to this Gardenia. I'm considering just biting the bullet and taking the plunge to Beta/Blogger2 whatever the heck it's called but it still scares me. Back to the mountains? Is this for a visit or to stay?
Hopefully this comment works...
Karen (Swiftsure)
Back to Wyo to close out, pack stuff, sell furniture. How quickly depends on what's going on when I get back. Gut feeling says I'll be driving outta there early February.
I've decided so far, with the info I have to negotiate with insurance for a round of treatments with disc decompression therapy, down here.
Thanks for negotiating the maze guys, to come on blog! This should do it.
thanks for inviting me in. :-)
so you were stalked? how weird and frightening.
best wishes for the new yaer: all good things coming your way.
I'm so glad you went this route instead of giving up on blogging. I don't think I could handle losing another blogbuddy right now.
I even set up a Google account, just so I can be here. ;) For some reason, my blogger account doesn't count as a Google account. For DUMB!!
thank you all so much for flipping over - bloggin' buddies mean so much to me too - here's a New Year Champaign toast for climbing this mountain with me!
Thanks for the invite, Gardenia!!! Will probably wind up doing the same thing that you've done. This is lovely! Sorry that you're not staying in Florida, it seems to suit you.
Hoping 2007 is a marvelous, wonderful year for you, my friend!!!
Get and stay healthy and safe, but most of all happy!!!
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