The sharing of pain and love got me thinking. What if, what if....what if our gone away children were sent here to show us what powerful, dizzy-ing, estatic, privileged, heart expanding, and, yes, painful love resides within us? The power that keeps humankind going. The power that elevates us to our human level? Then....could it be that animals feel such love for their offspring? Sometimes I think not, when I see mamma zebras run off to save themselves while baby is attacked by a big cat. But animals care tenderly for young. I don't know. Life is really a mystery. But I do know the love we feel for the miracle growing in, and then out of, of our own body.
I know that when Rod passed away, we arrived at the funeral home, and I screamed out at God, "You better talk to me, and talk to me, NOW!" (I wanted a darn good reason for this!) And on another plane, the world rolled back and I could peer into heaven, and Rod was there in a green, green meadow with dozens and dozens of children of all ages. They were all looking at him, and he was smiling, looking about uttering his favorite phrase, "Far out!"
I often wonder if we all get to heaven as buff 20 year olds. I think not. But, do chidren grow up in heaven? Do us older folks get to be just somewhat buff? (Please, dear Lord!) Do animals go to heaven? On that one, I think yes. Rod always said that Jesus is returning to earth on a white horse - betcha that horse came right out of the meadows of heaven! And perhaps our dogs, our cats, and other pets join that crowd there too. I mean, little boys gotta have puppies!
Love. I think there is some very awesome special love up there that children go on to experience, those children that were loved and left earth, and then especially for those that didn't know that kind of love that is a part of God when they were on earth!
What a beautiful post!! You gave us a LOT of food for thought.
Yes, I believe that animals go to heaven too. Why would God create all these creatures for us, and then leave them behind?
God is LOVE...
I wonder 'bout heaven myself. Will be be children? Will we be "restored" adults in our prime?
I'm sorry for the loss of this child. God desires to build our character through the hard times...tough as it is to comprehend this when we're going through them.
Undoubtedly you know I'm not a believer, but I grew up going to Sunday school and stuff, so I have a Christian background. My idea of heaven is that there will be no young, no old, just souls for which age is undefined and irrelevant. We will each have wisdom and knowledge; no one any smarter than anyone else. And your animals will be there, too. Again, just as spirits, for that spirit may be your cat but someone else's grandfather, someone else's son, and we are all interconnected through the sharing of past lives -- spirits that have simply moved from one body to the next. Or something.
My grandma (tshsmom's mom) told me a story when I was little about a young girl who was clinically dead for a short time in hospital, and when she woke she talked about meeting Jesus... and playing with all his animals.
Absolutely animals will have life after death! We are all made from the same particles. Also, animals practice the golden rule, they give as good as they get, they naturally and instictively know that kind of law.
This post did have a lot to think about...
oh also, that diagram or art work was incredible for this post!
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