Mostly done - this is the month everyone is painting Pelicans - so if one is art shopping, I suppose the motto is "pickapelican." Anyway got a whim to do one, just need to add his feet and do somemore on the water. I also finished a vendor of coconut milk in India, but have to upload him soon. I've been going through a tired period, don't know what that's all about. Everyone tells me its my schedule. Perhaps.
It gets really cold here, then a bit warmer, very dark days, then sunny ones. Another month and spring should hit!
Sorry I haven't been around more - sooooooooo tired - and trying to get some work sold, prices go up, but social security shrinks......
Folks, plan your retirement early. I know its very hard to save but even a little will be better than nothing. Life goes by very very fast. Sigh.
I'm not painting pelicans, so I appreciate seeing this one.
He will be great when he gets his feet!
We TRIED to save for retirement, but we had to cash in our savings to stay on the state's health insurance plan. At least we got a garage out of it...
Our income keeps shrinking and prices keep rising, yet the "experts" say the economy is recovering. WHERE?!
Hi there. That pelican is beautiful.. I hope he finds the right home when its ready.
In regards to the comment: "Folks, plan your retirement early. I know its very hard to save but even a little will be better than nothing. Life goes by very very fast. Sigh."
Take Gardenia's advice. The older one becomes, the faster time goes by. It seems to be flying. If you are young, save now. Don't wait. If you are not young, save anyway. Anything is better than nothing.
I love your art work. You always amaze me with your talent :)
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