Yesterday morning, at 7:45 a.m. I was sitting at a red light and sipping an iced chai tea and all of a sudden, my world turned to iced liquid in my lap and stars in my head.
Yep, monster truck driver claims he didn't see me. Guess he didn't see the red light either. What kind of LaLa Land was he in? Red light AND red car? I get out and see crushed trunk and badly scraped bumper. Dial 911 on cell. Nope, can't take the call unless its life threatening, lazy voice gives me phone number to call. I'm shaking. I forget number. Another call to 911, since I do not carry a phone book in my car. She's really p______ at me by now. She, herself, finally patches me over to the police station. Attendant wants my life history and all pertinent demographics, including insurance companies, addresses and phone numbers for both parties, DL numbers, etc. How would I know his? I'm not his babysitter, just his victim. I repeat over and over again, "We are standing out in cold, wind, and traffic including BIG trucks whizzing buy at 20 mph over speed limit, honking irate motorists, and we, I repeat, we are NOT safe." "Please send help." "Not until I get this form filled out." Ok.
After fighting with dispatch to send a cop, I'm standing, dazed, out in the traffic and wind at a wind chill of 42 degrees, no coat, wet, late to work, and getting madder by the minute. I get the chewing of my life for not having a Wyoming Driver's License (one year ago DMV told me to wait until it was ready to expire, THEN come in, cop says I'm lying) while our happy little mud bogger who probably had a major stone on despite the early hour drives happily away. I later find out he was not even charged for ........what, not being in his vehicle mentally?
The truck was so blankety blank big, that's probably what saved my car worse damage than it has. I'm surprised it didn't go right over the top of me and shave off the top of the car. These trucks are the macho thing to drive out here - I think the size of the drivers' "you know whats" might correspond in the opposite direction of the size of the trucks. Have to be driving monster trucks for daily use for some wierd reason, huh? Interesting that "Dragonness," ex-employee drove one of those.
This a.m. I call his insurance agent who gets huffy with me. She says his insurance information is private. I tell her I don't want his blankety blank insurance information, I want to know where to: 1. Send bills for car repair. 2. Send doctor bills (my back is on fire from the base of my skull to my tail bone including my left hip, and my thumb and little finger on my left hand are asleep and I had to have x-rays, and, 3. Get a rental car while my car is in the shop. She stalls me again. I say, "Do I need a lawyer to obtain the answers to my questions?" She then promises to call back with claim number and information. She kept her word and within three hours I had a claim number AND the home office number of the insurance company.
I see the doc and he shoots me up on the hip with something that feels like 20 jolts of expresso, but I stop hurting for four hours. And a flu shot. Now, at home the burning is back (I guess doc thought the injuries are of a four hour duration only) and I guess I will try to fix self with a heat pack or five since I have a loooong back, and see if I can tame the knots and burning down. When I open my mouth beyond an inch, fire shoots through my ear into my jaw. Tomorrow will harrass doc for referral to massage therapist. Don't like drugs anyway, no how.
So, for now, bloggy land, bye bye. Gonna get a book, I have miso soup on, and sit on heat packs and read a serial killer book.
Oh god Diana! Thank god it wasn't worse than it was. I hope that your back gets better and the pain is only temporary. Thoughts and prayers are with you.
That doesn't sound like a nice way to start the day. Hope your back, hip, hand and jaw are doing better now.
Have you had the results of those X-rays yet? When I had a crash, I got stitched up straightaway because it was obvious I was bleeding, but nobody thought about taking an X-ray. And what do you know? My jaw was broken. I hope this is not the case for you!
And don't get any ideas on how to take out monster truck drivers reading them serial killer books...
Take care.
mmm yes, target. Kick me, abuse me, rob me, lie about me, etc., etc. well ya know, Vicki. Family curse. Insurance companies (mine & his) say each udder supposed to be one that pay bills - but until they make up their minds I pay for everything, get reimbursed when they settle. Yep. Time to go talk to a lawyer. Doc hasn't called back with xray results - I' leaving early to go back home and resume cuddling with hot packs. In pain. Got police report, the guy definitely not charged. "Brakes failed on 2005 Dodge." Yeh, right. Found out from my boss - he a good old boy - owns a liquor store here. Enough said. No wonder people go postal. Still, I'm raising hell - chief oh police, next. Small claims court for realtor who rob me.
Gosh, Diana, what a nightmare! I hate drivers of big trucks, and I'm damn sure the size of this was like almost nothing we've ever seen on the roads in the UK. Hope the pain goes soon, and/or you can get it fixed pretty quickly. Enjoy your book.
Thanks for stopping by at Pics About Nowt, too. I haven't updated it in ages, but I should really. Maybe you've just given me the impetus.
Sheesh, I was hoping our bad luck would end with September.
Don't settle with the insurance until you're 100% healed.
Do you have a chiropractor who uses the ProAdjuster? That means he makes adjustments with this painless machine, not cracking you by hand. Also, the machine is hooked to a computer, so you actually SEE what your back and neck is doing. But, you are certainly out of alignment and massage will only address your sore muscles. You need both. You need an adjustment NOW!!!!!!
If you wait, more damage.
Funny about the pink. My room will not be pink. But the rest of salon is a flesh color. I will never get over the picture of it being a womb!!! OI!!!!!
Can't wait for you to come see it. Looking like I will be moved before Christmas! Yea.
I am so sorry about this accident. Dang, what a way to beging a day. Take care, huh?
How scary! Obviously the dispatcher had never been in an accident herself,or she would've patched you over to the police right away.
I hope that this hasn't done serious damage to your back.
Good luck!
Diana glad that you survived!!! Now as to that 911 operator and insurance agent......
Hope that you are feeling better and REALLY hope that you have a pit bull of an insurance agent yourself. Glad that you're talking to a lawyer, that's essential. Those people you dealt with must be the product of cousins marrying. Hire the best most expensive lawyer you can. Seriously. You cannot afford a bad lawyer and the intimidation factor is worth it. Any less of a lawyer is bound to be in cahoots with the morons who didn't charge the guy.
thinking of you...ND
What a nightmare! I'm so sorry this has happened to you, and that you got crapped on by all the peripheral organizations that are supposed to HELP YOU in a time like this. Geez. Get better soon! I hope the monster truck guy gets his comeuppance.
Oh aw terrible news, I hope you aren't in too much pain today, it must be hell to sit at a desk...
I am sorry to hear this and I hope things get worked out ok.
And btw, what serial killer book are you reading...
Ugh, Diana. This truly is blankety blank! I hope your pain subsides. And reading on...I hope your knuckleheaded insurance companies get it together. I had a similar experience...took, like, 6 months before one of the companies finally paid. Agony!
Keep a chin up! or is that, keep a chai up? Whatever you do, take it easy!
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