Dinner! I was super hungry tonight - weird but wonderful: Whole grain hot cereal, yogurt for cereal and dipping three cups of fruit, capuccino, and one whopping good sweet potato! Happily full, I am watching news about the missing toddler - Haleigh in Florida. Her dad just married his 17 year old girlfriend. And I'm wondering why this 17 year old's parents did get their daughter and call the police on the over aged boyfriend who has a history with the law - - and why during this investigation, charges haven't been made against this dude - legally this girl is not fair play for someone 25 years old. No telling what happened to that poor little girl only twelve years younger than her new step mom.
I did a little shopping today and found a pair of white crop pants and 3 tops for summer - yay! This will force me to lose ten more pounds as they are snug. Also bought a cheap exercise bra and yoga crops at the athletic store on sale, and a wrist brace, and a leg brace for grandson. He's been limping since baseball season began.
Update on boy - they think his leg is fractured - he has to see an orthopedist and until then wear a leg immobilizer. Awwww. I feel horrible for him.
Lots of work the next 3 weeks - doing an event at a fitness center tomorrow - then preparing for a major bodybuilding competition where there will be 500 competitors and 1200 others. New territory for me. Is making me want to start working out harder. In the meantime, I am in bed in my workout clothes.....too tired to tune up.
Oh I am sorry to read about the boy's leg :(
Surely if you make him the food you haev amde yourself in this post his recovery will be as quick as the speed of light.
Your shopping trip reminds me that I too need to buy a few things for the summer, especially tops. But the bad thing in England is the best tops are always sleeveless, and I don't feel comfortable in them.
Nice dinner! There's nothing wrong with breakfast for dinner, is there?
Sorry about the boy's leg - ouch!
Yes, I don't know that marriage between the 25 year old and the 17 year old. And if the little girl is only 5, that means daddy was very young - maybe even too young - to have kids. I hope it all turns out well in the end.
Grandson won't be a happy camper if he has to spend the summer in a cast! Poor kid!
sorry about the boys leg.
I guess I am just a very cynical person, but I am pretty sure daddy did something to the little girl and he had to marry the girlfriend to keep her mouth shut.
I am keeping your boy in my prayers :) And my thought :)
I heard about that little girl and wondered about the 17 year old step mom thing...My kayla is 18 and I would crucify anyone that old that came near her, even though she is 'legal' by all of three weeks.
I will remember the little girl in my prayers tonight, too.
I need to get sone new spring clothes...I am so tired of wearing the same pair of black capris..I hate clothes shopping though...
That is sad about his leg but the faster they fix it the better it will be. I am on my way to bed finally. Take care and hope everything goes well with this competition.
I remember a girl who was 16 and became pregnant by a 24 year old man. Her mother prepared the wedding. This girl's mother is still fond of that man..some 40 years later.
I agree..waffles for dinner is such a treat!
Vickie - ah yes, I remember that well too. Rather a rush to get us out of the house, eh?
Milla, I too worry about sleeveless things although I end up wearing them when it hits 90 and above Farenheit.
Thanks everyone for the positive well wishes and thoughts for grandson....
Yeh, that whole thing about little Haleigh is "fishy" - does not compute. What a mess - they still haven't found her little body.
I am so sorry to hear about boys leg. Please keep me posted.
Body Building? You go girl!! Makes me sore just thinking about it. Let me know how it goes.
I would try body building, but first I need to start doing just my regular core exercises for my back......and be regular on elliptical
I hope your boy is okay. It's quiet around here...I'm hoping because "no news is good news".
I also laughed at your dinner because it was so random delicious. I eat random meals too...I've got these black beans with molasses sauce for breakfast today...
How is Boy doing? How is his leg?
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