Sorry I have been a bad blogger I think - so so busy - grandson was here for several days running a fever, needing care, and then poor thing, his leg is in a cast, then we have a huge event with about 1700 people coming up, the yard says, "Ok, it's that time of year, you gonna take care of me?" "H" is out working hard as I make plans for a shower and taking back rotten food I purchased from Sam's Club last night.
Went to daughter's and watched movies until 1:30 a.m. I can feel it! Oh, I remember the old days many many years ago when I could party until 5 a.m., and go to work. And my bosses thought I was great. Older and smarter, I am not so great anymore, go figure.
Then back home to attempt to clean up study, check bills to make sure I'm on time with paying, and develop some materials - trying to decide whether to do a booth on Earth Day or not----And my paints, etc., look at me sadly, and the sun is inviting me to hunker between some dunes and let it caress me....for hours. Sigh.
My mother said they had a huge blizzard out there yesterday, they couldn't even open the doors. Ugh! Surely, surely - it is April (soon), spring will be here all over - won't it? I will grow baby bananas again! Stores are loading up on plastic easter eggs and candy. I want peeps and more marshmallow chocolate bunnies.
Ah, first I'm running to the direction of the shower so I won't be competing with "H" when he comes in covered with dirt to get ready for work. I feel guilty sitting here on the computer.
Spring had better come soon because this is turning into one ridiculously long winter!
Oh, I remember the old days many many years ago when I could party until 5 a.m., and go to work.
I was the same. I would start partying on Friday night, all night, go to work on Saturday, work all day, go clubbing all night Saturday and go to work on Sunday. I did this throughout my university years! Madness.
Now if I go to a gig that finishes at midnight, I am knackered for 3 days afterwards...
I am sorry to read about your grandson being so poorly -and in a cast as well. I wish him a speedy recovery.
Spring is here - but dark & rainy this a.m., now heating up to humidity - - my mother said they had twenty inches of snow in Wyo in blizzard form . . .
Blue Angels flying overhead shaking the house and making the pictures hang crooked....
Spring time whats that?? LOL.. I know I know. Its the nice weather. Its ok here during the day but very chilly at night yet. Its suppose to be 48 tomorrow here and sunny. So to us that is beautiful. Take care and yes go grab your shower first.
I remember the old days many many years ago when I could party until 5 a.m., and go to work. And my bosses thought I was great. Older and smarter, I am not so great anymore, go figure.
This remind me of Fried Green Tomatoes.
You may be younger and faster, but I am older with better insurance.
It happens, life gets in the way of blogging.
I hope your grandson is feeling better, but isn't he the luckiest boy in the world to have such a great granny.
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