Sometimes we add my granddaughter's Weezy, a chihuahua and yorkie mix to our zoo mix.
Had a great Labor Day - oldest daughter came over (youngest just got off of night shift) and we went to a Tiki Bar and beautiful pool to hang out and renew our tans. Youngest grandson went with us, found people to play ball with and he had a ball - we people watched, the band came on motorcycles with their instruments - if he hadn't had to go home, we would have stayed till the sun went down.
Does Canada celebrate Labor Day?
The last picture is just FAB!!
Came back to look again at the last picture. The pets look at you as if you were from another planet :) I love the expression on their faces. Also, I think your stripy cushions and the combination of textiles are really stylish!
I knew you had cats but didnt know you had dogs too??? But they are lovely animals..
you just need a few raccoons in the mix ;o)
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