I won our LBL painting - one from our every 3 -4 mo slumber party paintathons - painting contains a piece of each woman, er, from each woman, er created by each woman. There, got it.

Luck to get this collection of bird houses. i need to find Nevermore and get busy with some sketches - charcoal!

My daughter has been visiting almost every weekend - cool! Love it.

Other daughter displays her new harido!
CONGRATS on winning! Love the bird cages and the new really red hair on your daughter. Yep, got the new lappy up and running, got everything transfered over no probem at all.. it really is worth 55 bucks a year to back up all your files on carbonite you just transfer your files from that, piece of cake!
What is carbonite? Need to know - my computers both getting old again - eeeeek, scares me. Daughter tells me the hospital is making news rules on "unnatural hair" - I said, well, guess that means ALL of the ones that color their hair - ?????? She needs a new job - even though its edgie, it is always elegant. Love it that your 'puter is spinning along!
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