Next good news is that I have been accepted into the Blue Morning Gallery on Pensacola's main street, downtown! Only the charcoals so far, but its an open door now. So now I have to get busy and produce - I have been at a standstill since the plumbing flood, grandson's volunteering me for a pillow project for a class, planning the "Paint the World with Hope and Healing event," the website, and getting out there and marketing everything. It's been a challenge for a basically shy person.
And I have conquered the naysayer prediction that after 60, you can't break into the art market - yahoooooo, yes, yes, you can do what you want after sixty!!!!! Hear that, all my young friends, you can do it! Whatever your heart's dream is, keep dreaming and doing.
The weather is cold here in the morning now - by that I mean mid sixties (F.) - for Florida its cold. Much social activity has been going on as well. My personality would much rather hunker down at home to putter and paint. Tonight some close friends have a Halloween party, I'll go for a while, but probably not in costume. The passing away of our Tim has put a damper on our festivities. The Blue Angels will fly this coming week in a show, and his family is gathering up here to watch - I may go, though I've been able to pretty much see the show as they practice over my roof!
The kids will "trick or treat" tomorrow night. Grandson and I have gone to the store for candy. I usually try to give out something else and don't know what got into me - instead of pencils, little booklets, etc., I bought sacks of candy - it will be hard to stay out of and not eat!
So have a wonderful, save, and joyful Halloween - be careful out there - I have a wild story about being out with my daughters and having had something put in my drink. But another time!
You sure are one busy lady! Carbonite is an onine back up service, it costs 55.00 a year and is worth it if you have a crash, buy a new puter etc. I got it when I knew I was going to buy a new puter, so I backed up a of my pictures and things I wanted to keep and then I just transferred that account to the new puter and voila, everything is here...it takes quite awhile if you have tons of stuff, but was so easy!
Happy Halloween!
Wow - I will check into it! Thank you! Wild Halloween - glad its over.
All I have to do now is get one of three sewing machines to work, make 9 more pillows for school, get the art work hung at the gallery, get on my 10 hour donation monthly of working there schedule, get through the event, and I can go back to producing art and Farmtown. I hope.
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