The home of "throwed rolls." This place makes dinner rolls like Grandma used to as well as the best apple butter you ever tasted. I stopped for carry out rolls for grandson and put them in the trunk so I wouldn't be overwhelmed with the scent and eat them all on my trip.
"H's" store - always like to drive down along the beach and shop there - amazing how friendly an employee owned store is compared to a corporation owned store.
Beware that last sip of Grand Marnier!
LOVE this painting - only this friend could pull it off so wonderfully.
Ah, the beach, best place in the world...H might like that lil garage gnome look...that stuff he's wearing is all authentic,but the headdress is bedouin, the other thingie,(technological name)is something else. We went to socal really is a desert, yanno?
This is a really cool idea for a post. I should steal it sometime!
Steal it, yes! I love seeing people's photos of their lives and what they see! Punxxi - LOL - you have superb humor - and your man must too!
I'd like to visit the throwed rolls joint!
Great set of pics. The cat paiinting is wonderful. You look fantastic and is that your twin in the second photo?
That painting is beautiful but what does the cat have in its mouth..Her hand is in the way to see completely.
Great idea for a blog post.
I need to take more photos!
What are throwed rolls? Do they throw the dough, or the rolls?
They bring out a huge tray of rolls and proceed to throw them at the customers - ya gotta have a good hand! Then they come around with huge bowls of apple butter, fried potatoes with onions, fried okra, black eyed peas - no diet food! It's fun.
Oh, kitty has a small rat - goooood kitty!
Just put pics up of New Years Eve. Don't remember much so it must have been a good'n....
Love the cat painting babe.
We're down to 6 from 18 now. Two are very old so I reckon 4 by the summer. Might have to restock eh?
Hissing Sid is not good. My mate. Hates everyone but me. Got a tumour. Quality of life is still good but in a month or so who knows?
I love the picture of the last sip of Grand Marnier! I wish I looked like that after the last sip of hot rakia...I'm generally on the floor by that stage.
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