Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fun Day - Visit from a Handsome Man!

Painting again! Always seems to relieve the blues. At least some! My handsome (and sweet) grandson came to visit today and take us to lunch. I loved it. All grown up - gives me a tear or two, and then great pleasure to see what a wonderful person he has become - his life ahead of him. It's been good - my grandkids, my daughter from Mobile visiting often lately, and their ADHD dog, Weezy. But I even love the Weezy. Guido continues to "grow" on me - as dogs do, wanting usually always to be at the owner's heels, bed, etc. Will go to Mobile this week sometime to drop off Guido with daughter, and to visit with my granddaughter, and lunch if she desires.

Tickets purchased for Wyoming trip with younger grandson. Plans being made, although the plans I WANT to make involve a rental car, and the cost is insane! Buses are an option, however much walking in the heat and I am out for the count lately, don't know what that is all about.

Reading my book recommended by Wandering Coyote and I love it so much - "The Spice Necklace" only it makes me more homesick for islands. BUT I have come up with a mission statement - it is forming and will go into written words, and most always what I write comes to me in some manner.

Ok, going to take the Guido for a walk, the sun is gone, the dark is descending - and then paint some more! I love everything I paint lately and don't want to part with it. I think another show is coming up in September, which is exciting! The Farmers' Market downtown draws artists, but it is too hot. I would faint. Marketing plans WILL come to me, I'm sure. Soon. I hope.

1 comment:

tweetey30 said...

That is awsome that your grandson took you out for lunch.. I saw yesterday a family friend from MN. He was my bus driver when I was in kindergarden.. My parents and him and his wife have been friends since. 30 years down the road.. Where has time went.. I dont know..