Five things I would never wear:
1. Me too candy minx - beige - ugh (too much of being dressed in it in childhood.) I've decided that only people who are unimaginative or want to disappear wear beige - hope I don't offend someone - if so, let me hear from you beige lovers, I'm willing to change.)
2. High Heels - my feet hurt - but I used to, even though I'm 6'2" woman - yeh, that showed up the misogynists.
3. round and round stripes
4. a supershort old lady perm
5. micro mini skirt with required matching thong
Five favorite TV shows: (don't watch much but will try to come up with some I watch occasionally:
1. LaFemme Nikita (the series has long been over.)
2. The Runway show
3. Blade (series)
4. Dog Whisperer (cuz I can't figure out dogs - how can they (well, not all) be so crude, so stinky, so unmanageable, yet do such occassionaly heroic acts?) 1/2 hour with Dog Whisperer and they behave! I really want to know how to do that.
5. Medium (some seemingly REAL everyday life mixed in with it, plus the actress has cool teeth.)
Five things I would do with a 100 million dollars:
1. Get all my family members together, charter a jet, go on a family trip to Ireland (maybe rent a castle for a month) and then give them 3 million each. Also give my friends who struggle financially a million each.
2. Start a charitable foundation for social action and poverty relief.
3. Begin my travels with the Orient Express in England and end in Turkey with lots of stops in between.
4. Hire Oprah's personal trainer and cook.
5. Build some really nice homes in all my favorite places.
6. Go on a spending spree like no one has ever seen and buy hundreds of presents for people.
7. Have a reunion and pay for all my bloggy friends to come to a resort for five days - maybe the sexy resort in Jackson Wyoming at the foot of the Tetons, modern wooden cabins with fireplaces and windows looking into the Tetons - outdoor Sauna.....sigh
.........or the Casa Maravilla in Costa Rica -
(Ya, I know I cheated on this one.)
Five greatest joys:
1. Being with my children & grandchildren.
2. Doing Art, seeing Art
3. Nature
4. Visiting foreign countries
5. When I sense God's presense around me.
Five songs I can sing from memory:
1. Ghost Riders in the Sky
2. You are my sunshine (passed down from grandma to grandchild for years in family)
3. I Still Miss Someone
4. Baby Won't Ya Follow Me Down (Dylan)
5. Chicken Leg Woman - (well, I want to learn it - cutest blues song I ever heard and I can't find the songwriter, singer, or reference to the song.) "Ah wanna a tuuurkey laig woman, don't wan no chicken laig woman...." What a writer! Heard it on XM radio.
Five favorite toys:
1. Computer
2. Camera
3. Scanner
4. My software
5. the little stuffed dog my youngest grandson gave me when I left Florida last time.
Tag - well one bloggy friend hates it, so ya don't have to. Let's see:
1. Puppy
2. Lorretta
3. Living with Tourettes
4. hattigrace
5. Vicki (do it on comments: for Pete's sake, set up a blog - you have so much to say!!!!
aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnndd - everyone else that is interested - all you are so interesting I want to know your answers!
Awww, I both felt like crying and then got tickled and laughed in spots. I pray your peace & $$$$$ be coming soon.
I'll post this in a couple of days. I love these things. They do reveal a lot about a person's personality.
Hey I like her teeth (and shape--both are real) too!!!
I'd do it for you babe (mutter mutter mumble grumble)
That was wonderful, as was Vicki's. Some of these tags are so incredible and how people approach them too huh?
I loved what you would do with the money and I hope you win!
I would love to meet all the blogger friends and go to a fabulous spa or something, I would do the same thing.
I fell over about the high heels, and that you are 6'2" I can't believe it, what a riot and delight!
And Vicki you cracked me up that you wouldn't wear feathers! hee hee! Or a another wedding ring!
p.s. I love Grey's Anotomy and Nip/tuck , Medium yes Patricia Argette does have cool sexy teethe in fact!
Five things I would never wear:
1. A dress if at all possible not to.
2. Piercings in anything but my ears.
3. Toenail polish
4. Boxer Shorts :-D
5. A watch
Five favorite TV shows:
1. Law & Order
2. CSI (Crime Scene Investigations
3. Will & Grace
4. The L Word
5. Cold Case Files
6. Martha Stewart LOL
Five things I would do with a 100 million dollars:
1. Set up scholarships for any abuse survivor who wants to further their education.
2. Set up my family members with homes, education, and everything I could think of to make their lives a little better.
3. Create public awareness programs for abuse survivors of all types.
4. Set up an effective suicide prevention program.
5. Give everyone in one seniors center a Christmas they will never forget.
Five greatest joys:
1. My sweet sweet Sassy Dog.
2. Writing
3. Music
4. Community Outreach
5. Making others laugh.
Five songs I can sing from memory:
1. I Want To Be Your Sugar Mamma by Gwen Avery.
2. Remember When
4. Can you Imagine
5. Jesus Loves Me
Five favorite toys:
1. My computer
2. My Potters Wheel
3. My Girlfriends Boat
4. Fishing Rods
5. Digital Camera
6. My Server for websites
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