My mother hated cooking and turned the job over to me when I turned 12. The ingredients provided to me were canned, potatoes and meat, usually steak tough and filled with "gristle" which young jaws could not chew. I knew there was MORE - I ventured into baking - one time hiding a failed sponge cake with much fright thinking of the dozen eggs I had used for the doomed project. But pursue I did. I love the colors of cooking, of fresh fruits and vegetables, the tactile creation, the aromas, the tasting for that last bit of perfection. "H" wished for stuffed peppers - he bought home buffalo burger and the peppers. The fun began....
I was taking far too much sensual pleasure in the ultra sharp new knife I have acquired, the nutty smell of the brown rice cooking.....

The finis!
One to son-in-law, one to grandson, three to "H" and the pleasure of creation and a couple of tastes for me!
What a brilliant idea putting a slice of tomato on top so the rice doesn't dry out. I will definitely try that!!
I make myself a stuffed pepper whenever we have leftover red beans and rice. The guys don't like stuffed peppers, but I crave them sometimes.
I spy a Farmer Brothers spice container. My cupboard is full of them. ;)
Don't you just LOVE your smooth-top stove?! I ADORE mine!
Yes, I love my stove - so thankful for everything in my kitchen! I love stuffed peppers too -
WHERE do you get your Farmers Brothers? I'm getting low on some - and I have never found anything to match their spices at the price. I've gone on line, but no luck.
Yes, I love my stove - so thankful for everything in my kitchen! I love stuffed peppers too -
WHERE do you get your Farmers Brothers? I'm getting low on some - and I have never found anything to match their spices at the price. I've gone on line, but no luck.
Yes, I love my stove - so thankful for everything in my kitchen! I love stuffed peppers too -
WHERE do you get your Farmers Brothers? I'm getting low on some - and I have never found anything to match their spices at the price. I've gone on line, but no luck.
I get my Farmer Bros products through work. Email me if you'd like me to send you some stuff.
Nice! I'm glad you grew to enjoy cooking rather than resenting it.
I love the colours and shine of fresh veggies! I used to watch a Brit show called "You Are What You Eat", and the hostess would lay out all the fried/prepackaged foods that a person had eaten in one week, then lay out another table with all the gorgeous and vibrant fresh veggies and fruits they could have eaten. Quite a difference!
I'm coming to your house for dinner!
I'll bring the wine.
I like those flat stoves to but I have a gas instead of electric so I dont know how well those would work here..The apt we lived in before the house had one because the stove we had went caputs on us.. LOL...
I tried to cook with gas at my mother's - forgot how powerful the flame is - - - then remembered how long it took me to learn how to cook with the flattop!
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