First, Saturday started with shopping at the Farmers Market, gathering up tomatoes and eggplants, then for bagels and muffins at a shop overlooking the Gulf. Huge, soft bagels - !!!!

Then a tour through the historic part of town, with a vow to walk it on another Saturday.

My friend and an art teacher as well has new studio space in the historic district and is doing some marvelous things with encaustic. Oh, I wish for a go at the lush medium!

More encaustics

Courtyard in historic area of town, next to studio.
Was a great day. Then I tried water aerobics at a party Sat. night that had various health modules, and today I have hardly been able to walk. :( Hope to pull out of this soon! Do not twist your back, even under water, if you have disc problems!
A friend at the party wanted to know if my husband minded me leaving him for a fun night and I said, no, honey, I left him with a nude charcoal drawing of himself and left him, a very happy man.....yeh, it was a good Saturday.
Encaustic is very challenging because it offers very lush and interesting surface qualities, but at the same time has limited range. A lot of people get lost in the surface when they try to use it.
My great aunt used to do under water exercises at the YMCA before she passed on. Sounds very intersting Saturday..
You are a hoot! I love the nude charcoal drawing!
Meanwhile what a wonderful weekend. Sounds like a lot of fun. Water aerobics are really really demanding. Usually they are safe, and I'm sorry to hear yuou've hurt your back. I hope maybe you can get into a pol again and just walk across the pool, and float. That might loosen things up and gently stretch your seized muscles. Eat a couple bananas with supper. The potasium might help with muscle pain.
and if you don't want to eat bananas, green peppers have a lot more potassium in them:o) you would think that water aerobics would be stress free on your body, but backs are sooooo picky! I picked up a bag of dogfood(50#) or my king size mattress, one or the other of them made my back kill for 2 weeks! How pathetic is that, i guess i'm really not 15 after all! Get better soon!
I've never heard of encaustics - what is it? Sounds...acidic?
encaustics are an art medium - essentially colored waxes. They are really beautiful and tactile (?) - not a real popular medium anymore, because of what mister anchovy said, but this artist manages them very well.
bananas and green peppers are both big items in my diet! Yum!
Candy, this lady spends way to much time worrying about how I "take care of Chuck" - decided to give her a shock factor. She's sweet, just lonely. LOL, ....and it was true.
punxxi - this is just confirmation I need to get back to doing back exercises given me by the doc. They always say swim for therapy, but I find in the pool one doesn't hurt - its when you get out - and it requires a lot of back arching in swimming which really messes my back up, squeezing the nerves down even worse! Shoulda known better.
Ahhh Gardenia, you're such a Lady!!
I LOVE this:
A friend at the party wanted to know if my husband minded me leaving him for a fun night and I said, no, honey, I left him with a nude charcoal drawing of himself and left him, a very happy man..
It looks like a beautiful aprt of the city the historic one, and very clean and well kept.
I hope your back has recovered by now...
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