Certainly the mideast mindset is different from the western mindset. Adminijab (Iran) wants to buy uranium from us. Duh - why don't we just sell him a bunch?
Being down sick in bed with some sort of virus, the TV drones on because I am lonely and I drift into the United Nations Assembly and a 90 some minute ramble from Gaddafi, (Libya) dubbed by the press as "Daffy." Besides wanting to do away with time zones and move the meetings of the UN because where they currently meet could be hit by terrorists, he had personal troubles locating a good spot for his tent. Central Park was out, much to his chagrin - guess America is just not a good host country for tent dwellers. What have we come to? I'm wondering if his tent was too big for an RV ground.
He called Obama his "son" even though Obama and more than half the assembly, including our President left before or during his ramblings.
He blasted the UN and Europe. He asked for a couple of Trillion bucks for reparations for Africa, praising Italy for already paying their share. Like we really have two cents in our coffers to hand over to him.
All in all, I thought he used the podium to list all his grievances down to time zones and his ramblings sort of obscured anything constructive (if anything) that he wanted to get across. But then, humble housewife in the U.S., what do I know?
I do not agree with all of our policies, but I am sure thankful I live here, and not in Libya or anywhere in the middle east! I am not sorry to see him pick up his tent, where ever he was finally able to pitch it and go home. When he said the UN was prime target for terrorists, I wondered what he knew that the rest of us don't?
For some reason, despite playing with paragraphs, Blogspot does not want to delineate them for me....makes a harder read.
Blogspot wouldn't recognize my password yesterday! My internet service was finally working well and I couldn't sign in to leave comments. Just what I need, another September frustration! :(
I've been trying to stay away from the news. The health care debate alone is enough to depress me. I'm so sick of all the lies and misinformation! I don't think we'll get ANY type of health reform until 50% of Americans are without insurance. That day is coming...
I can't cut or paste to Blogspot anymore, nor can I get a picture off of the internet to post - nor a UTUBE....don't know what is going on. I waned to post an article about the cuts in funding for schools and children and I can't but here's the link ..
found it while trying to obtain records from Children's Services, only to find it is almost non existant now - they can't find their records, moreoever they act like they don't care....
The U.S. should be ashamed - where children are taught increasingly how to live in a fantasy world, and left by parents to shift for themselves while the parents scrounge for a living, and STILL have no health insurance - in unforgiveable.
I'm on a roll this a.m.
My fingers aren't working well this morning - sorry for errors. I have been wandering the maze of drug insurance policies since getting my Medicare card - the insurance is a farce - I would pay about $30 to $80 a month in premiums - my meds before meeting deductible would be $1,000 a month copay - then after deductible, would be reasonable UNTIL I reached the max of $5,000 plus, then ooooops - donut hole, no coverage - - - until you spend more which you probably don't have....
This is only if I take the meds. Using alternative means, I have reduced my med intake to one medication to keep Crohns at bay, taking only 1/2 the prescribed dosage.
I went on line hoping to read the whole insurance bill but I could only find a place where I could get it if I paid $30.00 - Like you, I want the info as it is - not as rumors say it is.
I think Obama is right - it will have to be put in place, will be far less than perfect, but at least it will be a starting point.
Oh shoot! I can't find the link I had to the insurance bill so I could send it to you!
I couldn't possibly wade through the whole 1000+ pages, but what I read convinced me that our politicians, on both sides, are trying to sabotage the whole thing by making it overly complicated. I'm certain that a majority of our politicians are in the pockets of the insurance and pharmaceutical industry.
We can't solve this mess by working with the insurance companies. A middleman, that gets rich on our health-care dollars, just doesn't make ANY sense!
That's what I was afraid of! And the doctors are jumping on too willingly - but if they do away with any responsibility for mistakes (malpractice ins) which they've been wanting for ages - the doctors will buy in too. Sigh. I heard that millions will be cut from Medicare/Medicaid - don't know for sure - yes, if you can make the link work - send it! I'll work on those 1,000 pages!
Oh I know, I've been under the weather myself this week and landed up watching some of these speeches. But...I turned them off. I couldn't listen to that negativity.
It's not so much a matter of the mindsets between "east" "west" or "middle east".
The gulf is between fundamentalism and not. It's not a difference between religions. A fundamentalist in the U.S. is of the same kind of thinking as a fundamentalist in Saudia Arabia. Narrowminded intolerance leads to nihilism. No mystery. Nihilism is the mindset of a terrorist. Plain and simple.
I tried to look into why the paragraphs aren't working for you but I couldn't find anything.
p.s. Kadafi is actually an extremist...and that is unfortunate. If he could have mellowed over the years he might have been able to reach out...the people who support him really care for him. One thing to remember...is that the speech he makes aren't for U.N. or us...they are for his people. It's sort of like Eddie Hascal showing off in front of the soda shop. More heavy but similar kind of showing off...
Got the health care bill - PDF - now to read! Its a big one.
Candy, yeh - makes sense - all the way. Including the posturing.
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