This is spring in my area. Almost everywhere one drives, the array of blooming bushes, trees, and flowers is dazzling.
This morning I went out to attempt to trim the orange tree. Because of my bouts of dizziness, I dare not climb the ladder - then found it takes strength to clip large branches while holding clippers up over the head. At any rate, I ended up with a lot of orange blossoms in my hair, down my shirt - the fragrance was incredible! But, alas, the top of the tree is still scraggly!
Two full days ahead before departure for tropics. I am TOTALLY organized - I bought one of those passport/organizers - why, oh, why did I not do that years ago? It is so wonderful! Holds everything a massive bag with "stuff" rumbling around all over the place, and things are easy to find! Not like a large, sexy purse, but hey, will the monkeys care? Noooooooo. In fact, it is probably much less likely that a monkey will attempt to steal this ugly little thing than an awesome designer bag. Did I mention that my sweet friend who is cleaning her closet also gave me another pair of boots - four inch heels, yes! - and three bags that are something I would drool for, but never buy myself? Oh, so grateful I am. I should post pics - I will when I get back!
I have printer cartridges for my computer store deprived friends, CD's transferred to my laptop - design programs loaded (as much as possible - I still can't get my old copy of Photoshop 7 to load into Windows Vista) - clothes packed, no plane snacks yet - have to go to store and get some Atkins (I hope) bars, some apples, and food to prepare ahead for two of my men ("H" and youngest grandson who will be here on weekends) so they can do the bachelor thing. "H" has started to read every night to grandson when he is here - and it is such a calming influence on him. Him - well, maybe both of them. Where oh where are the days of just throwing in a few things, to heck with it if you've forgotten something and taking off?
Copies of passport made and left under magnet on fridge in case of earthquake and I get lost -
did I mention bouts of acute anxiety? Mmmmmhmmmm.
Next post will be pics of the tropics!
Have a wonderful trip, and leave all your cares at home! Can't wait to see your pictures, I know they will be fab because you are a real artist!
Have a wonderful trip and I cant wait to see pix when you come home.
I love the color of the flowers you posted. thanks for sharing..
I am so jealous of your blooms & your weather! It's snowing here right now!
I just finished The Spice Necklace - such an awesome book. I know you will love it!
Happy trip preparation! I am jealous of that, too!!!!
I am thinking of you with a lot of jealousy and envy :-)
I hope you are enjoying yourself!!
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