Hola! A tour of my Costa Rica pictures to dispel the miseries of snow, ice, and wind has renewed a longing to return to this lush, warm, hospitable, exquisitely beautiful country. For a practical person who rarely spends money on vacations, how did I find myself there? I had a vacation during which I fully intended to be productive – I went to visit my daughter who, with her children, were to fly out the next day to Paradise. I offered to stay at her home and clean with a few breaks on the deck of her pool. “Mom, come to Costa Rica with us!” At first I thought of every reason I “couldn’t” go (I’m a terribly practical person) and then thought “why not?” Her fiancĂ© made hasty internet reservations, I returned home to pack with intentions of flying out in a couple of days. I packed my bags and the day arrived! In order to catch the plane in New Orleans I left Florida the night before and stayed in between home and the airport for a nap. Upon awakening with little time left to get to the airport, I realized I had forgotten my suitcase in Florida. No time to go back! A hasty trip to Wal-Mart to pick up a swimsuit, a wrap, and two knit outfits and toiletries and I was on the road for the first leg of the journey!
I flew into San Jose, it was all a blur! I was tired! My daughter had made arrangements for a San Jose taxi driver she knew (don’t ask – that will be other blogs) to pick me up. He would have a sign. Much looking, much anxiety with Tico taxi drivers following me about offering bargain trips in Spanish. No driver. In exasperation, I picked an English speaking driver who drove me to the San Jose Airport where I found out they had no reservations and no room on the small plane to the jungle where my daughter and grandchildren awaited me. I called home, and the message was – go to the __________ hotel, there reservations await you and the flight confusion will be straight by the a.m. Well, I had left Florida with $200.00 in my purse and when this hotel also did not have reservations and wanted over $100.00 for a night, my “Word” for the year from the Lord (TRUST) was being sorely tested. My driver instantly sensed my pain and offered to find a place for me for only $30.00 a night. We whizzed out of there to the barrios. I could only tell myself that Ernest Hemmingway would have LOVED this place and put on a brave smile and checked in.
Me (above) - in the courtyard of the hotel, and (below) also a view of San Jose from the hotel……… and the desk clerk at the hotel............... ironically named in English "The Hotel of the Angels."

D, can you please pack me in your suitcase (but don't forget me!!) and take me with you? Honestly, life with you has to be such an awesome adventure! I love you, dearly!
You know as part payment for the artwork on the website, I have two nights owed me at the Casa in Manuel Antonio, sleeps 16. Maybe summer of 2007? That is the "off season" - or rainy season. But the mists of rain are like a spa treatment...........so lovely. Love you too..:)
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