Maybe now designated symptoms of anemia are not really symptoms anymore and this information should be passed along to the many websites I visit as I look for management of the illness and ways to get better. Anyway, yeh, I'm still anemic, that new blood doesn't last so long, but not quite as bad as before the last transfusion. So just keep doing what I'm doing. OR not doing. ??????
I am supposed to go to the blood specialist, but can't get in for another month. So I guess if I faint someone will haul me to ER. Mostly I worry about the symptom of brain damage from lack of oxygen in the blood cells. Maybe its because I'm old - he doesn't think I need my brain anymore.
SO! I then went grocery shopping like a mad woman.
Well, my mother told me to do it. She said to go to Sam's Club, meat and produce were sooooo much cheaper and better. So, first I go to Albertson's for their sales. (However after driving the 27 miles back home, I discover they charged me about $20.00 too much on sale items - the deli man refused to steam the "sale" crab and I was mad.) But to go on - three of us unloaded the car when I got home.
This is the aftermath in my kitchen - splitting chicken breasts into small bags, and very, very lean hamburger as well. Grandson could not wait for crab, so we steamed it and ate it on the spot. Then he decided we needed to clean the kitchen drawers, but tired out in the middle. These photos are my kitchen today.
My mother was right. Got lotsa stuff but I did spend enough to worry me at other times, today I just had fun! I bought olives, I bought gardenalia, I bought pickled peppers, AND pepperoncini. I bought olive salad and three bean salad and more! And I have enough fruit cut up in the fridge to host a major party tonight. It sure would be good soaked in a white wine........sigh. MMMM. Champagne. And I bought THREE tubes of Sensodyne toothpaste. Toilet paper. Paper towels. Yeh! What fun.
So if I married a meatcutter, why do I buy meat? (He doesn't like it when I do.) Well, he brings home these bargains alright, pull dated meat, a good deal of it sausage. He puts it in the refrigerator for several weeks and it may or may not make it to the freezer. He says the new packing methods keep it just fine. Then he cooks it sometimes, sometimes it lays there mostly like forever. My mind is working. How did little boy stay alive for the two years I was gone? I am feeding him lots and lots of garlic trying to rid him of any disease picked up from the raw chicken legs PawPaw fed him a couple of weeks ago.
Why don't I take it out of the fridge and freeze it? You have to see our fridge to understand. There are layers. Stuff over a year old goes to the back, and all else is filed by the date it is put in there, filed to the front. Fridge is double wide. It hides things. Forever sometimes. It's kind of like the pine trees, you may or may not remember something was there - in the fridge.
Back to hamburger - hamburger made me awfully sick when I was pregnant (almost 30 years ago) with the youngest. I haven't eaten it until recently. Stale hamburger meat still makes my stomach churn. When I see hamburger and sausage, I see arteries clogged with these little yellow ball thingies. But I am trying to eat red meat for the iron. I was proud of my economical and very lean hamburger find today and cooked some up for tacos tonight - it smelled fine.
Oh, by the way 4D, I have the BEST recipe for curried hamburger and peas (straight from a Pakistani friend, yes) And,yes, it is out of this world! You scoop it up with bread. Hot and spicy. Red curry. Yum. I will do that tomorrow.
EWWWWW! Your hubby wouldn't like it at my house! I clean out the fridge every Thursday(the garbage man comes on Friday morning). Everything in the fridge is either frozen or thrown out. If it's been in the fridge longer than 3 days; OUT it goes!
My fridge sounds alot like yours..we also have layers.
I just have one question, though...RAW chicken legs? What happened there? Is is somehow related to the missing trees/shrubs in the yard?
Wow - you have a really great kitchen there! Lots of room, it looks like, and decent counter space. I always am interested in other peoples' kitchens! What is it with men and meat? They seem to be in denial about how it can go bad! Just because you cook it thoroughly doesn't mean that it's necessarily safe to eat after it's been hanging around for weeks! My dad is the same, my boss at The Centre was the same ("it's cured! It'll be fine!").
The lack of fear of food poisening may be a man thing possibly? We'll see if the guys come around to comment.
tshsmom - now that I'm not working, i think fridge cleaning activities are going to be way more frequent. The parable of the missing trees tought me man speak. imagine: hubby: where is the meat I put in the refridge last year?" me: "what meat, I don't remember." LOL!!!!!!
raw chicken - wellllllllll, he made chicken legs, actually read the package - said 10 minutes. didn't worry about blood seeping out, served them to the boy anyway.
LOL. My oldest daughter has served a coulpe of meals like that. She's getting better, now...
BTW, I HATE cleaning the fridge. makes me cry.
LOL! That'll work: "What meat?" Just make sure you clean the fridge right before the garbage truck arrives. You wouldn't want hubby to find the evidence in the garbage can. ;)
My sister used to come and clean my refrig. She is such a good organizer. She is coming to see me in September, I can't wait for some of her organizational ideas! Somehow I always end up buried in clutter.
Re: Timing the garbage - oh, I do, I do. We have a person in the family that collects junk mail - in boxes in the gargage. Now I find that strange, but oh well. Those boxes are recycled to the garbage - carefully. And they are never missed. My reasoning is that they are fire hazards. Our family invents NEW dysfunctions!
I understand about the junk mail. Z used to hoard ALL the packaging his toys came in. I used to sneak a little at a time into the garbage.
OCD is a strange disorder. *sigh*
tshsmom - I need some study material. I am beginning to wonder if I have more than one OCD in the household.
There appears to be a worrying lack of beer on display.
4D, they had coolers of the best of imported beers there. I even had two, and I'm not a beer drinker. Really good.
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