Yesterday, out of the blue, I noticed they were GONE! And the swing set, which needs to be taken down, the chains have rusted and the wood is rotting, was sitting over "the spot" where my trees were. So I asked hubby. "What happened to the pine trees I planted?" "What pine trees?" "The ones in this photo, this is our yard, isn't it?" "I don't remember." "You don't remember?" "How does it happen that five and six foot trees can disappear and you don't remember?" "Did the swing set walk itself over to cover up the evidence?" He walks off.
Daughter doesn't remember - I'm not sure she is aware there is a back yard. Her days have become blurs of night shifts and sleeping.
Grandson looks at me blankly. Neighbor does not want to discuss it.
Clues? I look for stubs, none there - the only witnesses are not witnesses at all.
Odd the stub from the pine tree in the front of the house that fell during Ivan was removed as well. Hubby DOES remember that.
And, another mystery solved: The stately palms in pots on the front porch are missing. Hubby doesn't remember that either. Maybe there were long weeks at a girlfriend's house while I was gone and he really doesn't know? But grandson tells me they died and PawPaw bought new ones before I came home once, but they died too.
The gold fish died as well. No one can figure that out either. My guess is that living things need food to survive. And water. Plant food, animal food, people food. Ya think? However the pines were native pines - and very happy to live on whatever nutrients and rain they find in the environment.
Any thoughts? Perhaps Big Foot - travels through here at night ripping out trees, etc., and takes them home for his very own? Big Foot ate the fish? Vandalism? A confused fisherman, lost, not realizing the bay is only an hour's walk away? WERE MY TREES KIDNAPPED? Alien abduction?
Oh my god...I am sorry but that is so funny!!! No one is fessing up huh? I think they either must have started to die or were in the way...and some body...ype someone now shy and forgetful had moved them...
It must be frustrating, but it's also kind of funny...I can only imagine the kind of conversations that go on around there...Ivan was three years ago right? This is very very weird.
What is the weirdest though, is even if smeone stole them or is afraid to admit they took them away...why? Is there someone who either hates pine trees...or someone who steals pine trees because they love them...this is a very funny very human comdey my dear.
I bet you'll never find out the whole story...but my question is why the mystery ha ah!
i think thay ran away from home bcos u were not there 2 take care of m :o)
If it were MY husband, I'd say he mowed over them. I planted 20 lilac bushes, and we have ONE left. Hubby mowed over the rest of them. :(
My Hubby wouldn't notice anything EXCEPT missing trees/shrubs. Honestly, I could go missing, the kids, the dogs, we could ALL go missing, and Hubby would be fine, but his trees? He would notice.
Seriously, though, where ARE your trees?
Wazhiz name??? Leo?
Has this only just happened? Like, did you wake up this morning to find the trees gone and the swing moved? Or did they disappear while you were away? Is there nothing left at all of the trees? Freshly moved soil... anything? This is a mystery indeed. I would keep an eye on the neighbour -- why doesn't he want to discuss it What is he hiding? Perhaps the trees were depriving his garden of sunlight and he took matters in his own hands? Hmm... It's quite the intrigue...
Evil Martians. Definitely evil Martians.Very keen on trees are evil Martians. Kidnap them. You'll get a ransom note soon.
I know. My boss likes trees.....
clearly a case of alien abduction.
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