Can't think of much going on. Tonight, during the 40 minute minus or plus commute to work I listened to an interview with an author, Ross, who wrote "Everyman." Was interesting - I want to read it now.
A detour was necessary as it looked like a setup for a parade downtown. There is always something interesting to see. I pass this beauty shop/gallery almost everyday. I really enjoyed this Afro American painting. Whoever it is, is quite prolific. I think he sells quite a bit too!
I hope to get some beach sunshine this weekend. We'll see. I think I can walk more than normal now to get to a good spot, which for the last six months was shuffle, or walk then suffer a day or two. The physical therapy is going well. I just wonder how I will manage without the great machines they use, that have padded knee guards - which are really handy for people like me whose knee caps tend to twist off on a whim. In fact, those twisty knee caps have been a literal pain all my life. But the time I realized that type of problem could be fixed, I had so much damage in them that I wasn't ready to undertake the surgery and the time off work that it necessitated.
The physical therapist was a professional weightlifter. This is the first time I have used weights without pain. He's good. I try to get my daughters to go there for treatment - there is Antonio Banderas who runs the clinic, then this guy, who has longish wavy silver hair, a deep tan, muscles and blue eyes. Well, to be fair he is taken. He's a good one though, he calls all the old ladies "Sweetheart."
Antonio sits at his desk most of the time. He's not into much bone cracking, but is taken with all these wonderful machines that make one feel quite better.
I am reading four books on ADD/ADHD and one of them explains the value of alignment for our bodies, massage and the effects that the body has on the brain. We always think of it the other way around - at least I do. Body/brain is a two way street! I'm learning lots of interesting things some of which I already knew.
I'm so sad to say that the little boy has been diagnosed by a neuropsychologist. I get a sick feeling when I think of medications. He's very bright, but has memory problems and problems staying on task unless its computers, video games, or the TV and the latter two are not good things for any kid (too much of it anyway) let alone an ADD kid. And I wish his parents would quite giving him candy and cakes and ice cream. When I wasn't working, I had his diet cleaned up pretty well. I guess we will overcome, but for now I feel very sad about it.
Have a good weekend!
ya he prolly needs a semi atkins diet..that is how u eat diabetic but not 2 much fat as on atkins
kronos is tha god of time
The beach sounds absolutely lovely! I'd be there in an instant. Glad the physio is going well, too.
This is one time that I can honestly say that I KNOW how you feel!! Getting the diagnosis is like a punch to the stomach. Eventually you'll realize that there are a LOT worse things, but for now it hurts.
KEEP RESEARCHING!! We found that high fructose corn syrup is a big no-no for Z. We've also had some success with aromatherapy(lavender), when things get rough.
Every ADD kid is different. There are a lot of different learning methods. I'm sure you'll all find a combination of things that will help your grandson!
tshsmom - I know there are worse things - he isn't in a cancer ward, or severely disabled - shoot, when you think of it, some of our greatest contributors to society were really "out of it" as far as the mainstream learning goes.
I guess it brings back memories of when my son was diagnosed and the battles we fought with little information, assistance, back then - barbaric treatments - and then his early death from an accidental overdose because he felt such a need to self-medicate to slow down the screeching train in his brain.
I guess all that much better prepares me to deal with as much as I can deal with as a grandparent. He is "Atypical ADD" because he has a chromosonal issue as well. He had started to label himself as "dumb" - but he's so far from that, he's really very bright - today I taught him how to keep his allowance/savings account/spending on track in Excel and he caught on on! He whips those number changes into the formula, yet has trouble remembering his basic math memorizations. Anyway its worn me out, flowing with him today. Whew! We had a great day - but I'm tired!
You are FUNNY!!! Antonio Banderas. . . a short version. I heard the other doc moved to 9th Ave? I may need to go back. My Memorial Day trip to Adventures Unlimited seems to have messed me up a bit. Not majorly, but I was 100% pain free, and now, I am very achy with some slight leg/foot numbness/tingling. All so slight, but I don't want it to get bad.
Still am staring at the responses to your other post about the Indian/spirit stuff.
I agree with tshsmom about researching natural ways. Good Morning America linked television viewing with all sorts of disorders in children, including ADD.
Sorry to hear about the ADD diagnosis, but you and tshsmom are both right: it could be a lot worse (thank God it isn't) and at least now you know what you are up against.
My sister uses Bach flower remedies on my niece, and swear by them. Maybe you could investigate that area too?
I agree Gardenia! For some reason, ADD seems to afflict the brightest minds! :(
Don't get me started on battling the system! It's STILL barbaric! I pray that your family can find a school that will fit your grandson's needs.
I THANK GOD every day for the internet, and all the information that has helped our family battle Z's demons!
Z can't take ADD meds, as they worsen his tics. :( There are MANY times that it feels like us against the world. This makes our small successes all the sweeter!
Just know that I TOTALLY realize what your family is going through. Feel free to rant to me ANYTIME!! Love ya!
Yes, hattie, they did move - lots more convenient space I think - closer to work so only takes me a minute to run over -
I'm sorry about your back - I still have the tingling toes on one foot as well - and some pain, mostly stiff kind of stuff and it feels like a rock in my back often, so not 100% home free yet. I think I want another MRI so I can see exactly what is going on in there before its a done deal.
And I get scared - the treatment is supposed to make us good as new - but after the neck surgery - now this - I'm going to be pretty careful in the future!
Its just that when you are feeling good, it's hard not to do something that is fun even if it could be pushing the edge!
I may see you there! I know one guy came in one day - could hardly walk and was afraid he'd blown his back out again - but it was only muscular - one chiro treatment and he was fine........
I think tshimon has really articulated a great thing...thank god for the internet...I believe the internets biggest influence is in medical and alternative healing...people reach out to each other and post things that for thirty years of alternative healing...people couldn't get info to each other now.
I am with others about natura responses. No tv on week nights. The thing is that video games are good for brain and hand to eye contact...but the parentts will likely have to use the games in making the boy pay attention. Is he having trouble following family rules and morals? Then take away his video game as a dicipline. But maybe he is not having trouble with family rules or temper?
He must MUST avoid all sugar...including noodles and starch...bagels are good because theyhave more protein than bread or noodles.
Avacado, fish and any food with cleanrich good fat will help his brain and concentration. The problem is...most kids have already been raised on starches and are not used to the flavours of healthy food.
I also know some health food place shave homepathic treatments that offer a little lactic dose that tastes sweet and helps with concentration...but I don't know where you find this...there are many foods that heplp with concentration...d34dpuppy is right about protein diet...and I have ehard of the aromatherapy giving many supports...
Keep sane and keep looking...and hopefully his parents will be open minded to these alternative ideas...
Getting the boy to help cook meals, although extra work for the adult...offers the reward that kids will often eat what they help make.
thanks for all the ideas - I have been kept running this weekend - incorporating little boy's input into meals, accounting, and also I have let him BE hyper. I read that is how they stimulate that lazy part of the brain. So he bounces. We took him to the bay and he waded in water and climbed the gym. ran a bit and ate a goodly amount of crawfish at the picnic we went to.
He has a super great temperament - - hope I spelled that right - all his grades for conduct are about perfect, he's considerate, helps the younger kids with their work and in getting along. The only time he "snaps" is when he can't get his homework or when he's too tired. His dad gets mad at him - the rest of us just put him to bed.
The main problem seems to be his ability to remember and to focus. I feel some of this is learned behavior - as I have noticed his dad hopping about on one foot to the other, talking non-stop, much worse than little boy. Also impulsive behaviors. But, little boy is very cautious about misbehaving which puts a damper on anything impulsive other than a meltdown when he's exhausted or pushed to remember things he can't remember.
So, our jobs are sort of falling into place, PawPaw is taking him through the math pages daily this summer and they are reading together daily, I'm the teacher for cooking and budgeting, gardening, finding bugs, naming stamens & pistols, mom does crafts & educational play with him.
There is a homeopath that specializes in ADD/ADHD (she helped me a lot during the long Crohns flares) so we need to find her. We read that accupunture also helps. Nana gives him the nightly massage for relaxation before bed.
The diet will be a battle. I can make sure he gets supplements though - I too read that the fish oil is great. He's not much of a fat eater (except for an insane craving for ice cream) - but loves that sugar! His mom loves that sugar. Therein - the battle. The first two years of his life were vegetarian - great meals from mom. Then she went to work and school. Perfect menus went down the tube.
My freak out has calmed down - I'm talking to myself, this WILL NOT be a replay of my son's drama. I am armed with information, times have changed in that we have many more resources, a neuropsychologist is at hand with referrals, a school that when they know the results will work with him. The neuro said to keep him at Montessori - well, we did that part right.
The medication is ultimately mom's decision, however, I am hoping we can make a disciplined (on our part) effort and see some results from changes we implement into his daily structure, and that medication will not be a choice at this point.
PS Did I tell you about 1230 a.m. radio station? Is Catholic. So good. At 3:00 every afternoon, they do the Divine Mercy Chaplet prayer. . . in song. It is beautiful. Great teaching, no screaming on this station!
Sooooooooooo good to hear your back is improving. Mine better now. Restarted the stretch exercises. . . why did I quit doing them????
I forgot that part, until Candy mentioned it...fish or flax seed oil!! It helps! Then I saw that you already knew that. ;)
Grandson's Dad may be ADHD too. It may be genetic, rather than learned behaviors.
We've found that structure works well with Z. That way he does certain things by habit, rather than having to remember them.
Lists also work better for Z, than telling him what is expected of him. Multi-tasking isn't his strongest suit. :(
hattie - I do much better with exercising - stretches too - ugh! But better than hurting, hmmm? I'm thinking of joining the Y.
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