My bag contained a small watermelon, lots of cucumbers, a big "mess" of pole green beans, and a very large bag of large cherry tomatoes. Tasting these fresh veggies and fruits were a reminder again, of being used to store produce and not realizing we are often eating something akin to cardboard.
The cantaloupes and corn from the roadside stand were - exquisite. Grandson and I are going to get more today. A nice fresh corn and black bean salad sounds tasty as well for the coming week. I'll take my camera to the country with me and give you all a preview. I love Alabama.
So tonight it is ham hocks and green beans for supper! And will brew a pot of lentil soup as well to last through the week.
I was able to resurrect the computer. It did this in Wyoming once. Made my heart flutter, it did. It must have a short - or all the power outages in Wyoming have wounded it. So here's a kiss on its screen for coming back home to Mamma!
Well, much to do today - since I am chauffeuring hubby back and forth to work, (broken truck) he has felt obligated to dig me some holes in the garden area. We put in Butterfly Bush, Agapantha, and Porter Wing and Milkweed. These plants are supposed to bring bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. This evening when it cools down, I will put the exotic grape red hibiscus in a large pot, along with my exotic which is having "puppies" already.
My back was burning and I was sort of scared, but a little time on the icepack and a night's sleep and it is fine. Its usual stiffness is there, but whew!
ham hocks and green beans...
ok enough dribblin' on't keypad
I dig holes and plant the stuff. Your hubby's got it well easy!!
Tka eit easy on the back! But I suspect a little bit of gentle gardening might actually stretch it out and be good for it...
You have made me hungry...isn't it an surprise every year when we taste fresh grwon in the sun vegies? Compared to winter...even if we try to find good vegies something about the summer ones taste so good. Tomatoes are the biggest surprise, I love cherry tomatoes!
Good morning, I'm starving now!
The produce sounds absolutely wonderful! I love corn on the cob. We used to get the best corn in Ottawa in late summer...Peaches and Cream - amazing. I miss that.
Haven't been around much the past few days...Seems like I'm playing catch up.
How is your back now? Any better? PLEASE take it easy. :)
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