We gathered at son-in-law to be's house for Memorial Day feasting and swimming. My daughter & grandkids came from out of town to meet prospective son-in-law. All ex-son-in-laws were not in attendance. You can tell by the photos - we did feast and we did swim. Well, some of the we's did - I ate one rib and just sunned - but it was nice until the two sons of prospective son-in-law started fighting over grandkids. Interesting family dynamics there. I tell ya, combining these two families dynamics may well create a new type of bomb, even better than the notorious "A Bomb."
I'm finally feeling better - had quite a round of flu the past few days, the kind that seals your eyes shut, only to be opened with a wet warm cloth applied gently in the a.m., eyes that looked like red marbles, oodles of green snot, barking non-productive cough - all this despite antibiotics for seven days, but improving some today. I made a giant potato salad while sneezing into the crook of my elbow and massive hand washing. Then survived a piano recital and a baseball closing ceremony. Worse yet, while applying lipstick, I noticed the left side of my face drooping considerably.
My mind, despite much positive thinking progress the last few months, went into a Bells' Palsy mode. Luckily today, my face had snapped back to being fairly level once again. That was a real bit of fun.
Had to postpone the nerve blocks in the back a bit - something about a fierce cough while having needles inserted into the spinal canal did not turn me on one bit.
So, tonight, home safe and sound from all these fun fetivies - oops festivities, I, at midnight. sit here blogging away. "H" has decided to pray every night with me, get a calendar and write our schedules down to improve communication, and I'm wondering if he'll ever get it and ask me what would work for me as well.....but does it even matter any more? Maybe he's wondering what I've been up to on those mysterious trips across town when I've claimed to be at the doctor? Anyway, mums the word - I ain't giving up info on these doctors' trips no matter how much he prays.............whooooo hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa
Glad you had fun and are feeling a little better. Bri has that cough you are talking about. Poor little girl. She has had it for about a week herself now but she still goes outside and plays and then she comes in for a nap and right back out again... Kids how they rebound.
Loose lips sink ships. Keep em sealed.
The grandbabes look sweet, food looks yummy and just the thought of it being WARM enough TO swim is delicious!
Well, we of dysfunction tend to attract it, don't we?
Fasten seat belt..
Glad you are recovering from the Green Slime..(It took me two months to recoup) and still have issues with ears.
How the tables turn huh...now H finds your life interesting. I like it that he wants to make a calendar...hmmm...but I agree stay mum about the doctor visits play hard to get...heh
Meanwhile what a feast and lovely looking day by the pool. Maybe observing someone elses family dynamic will lower the heat on your own huh? Always good to see that the grass isn't greener.
Love the pool shots and all that delicious food!
Well, I wish I were going to more exciting places than dr's offices, LOL. But my lips are sealed....I was joking, but now am getting suspicious - really, he wouldn't think......would he? Good lord.
Oh Tweety, the boy gave me the green disease - he seemed to throw it off - except he did spend one whole day laying down - that's big time for a kid! Poor Bri.
Vicki - wish you were here - pool, beach - just being by the water and laying in the sun is soooooooo soooooooooo - yummy. Our garden is bearing - it is so pretty this year - much of stuff we planted is back from last year - I still have to go get another trumpet and be more alert with it this fall....
Weren't those babies muching down on that corn cute? These were the best behaved children - sooo sweet....
paint party sunday nite. u comin?
paint party sunday nite. u comin?
Future son-in-law has a pool in his backyard?! Now, that's what I call a good catch!
Could you have had a little episode ofglandular fever, I wonder? When I had it, my face was all distorted too...
o hattie g - I don't know - I still feel like crap - going out to day to wander about looking for a place to lay down - maybe the beach - my house, uh no, not my house, the house is over run today - maybe a movie - maybe by then I will have a little peace....can't seem to get over this stuff - I just want to lay down - I'll feel better a little while then ugh...
Red, I looked up of.... disease - interesting - seems to be a form of mono with neurological side effects? I hope not! There is nothing they can do for it, is there?
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