I'm not speaking to the cats today. I woke up this morning with fleas in my bed and one hairy spider crawling over my thigh. Jumped out of bed screaming and flailing, got tangled in the blankets and fell over onto my air cleaning machine which I hope I didn't break. Cats scattered. My fault, I should never allow them in the bedroom. All the books say, the bedroom should be sancrosanct, no TV, no pets, no multi-purpose - the bedroom should be for sleep and love. Cat's really don't give a _________ what the books say. They yowl, they claw at the door and the carpet under it, they fight outside the door until I have to make a value decision on which disturbance I would rather put up with, yowling, clawing doors, sounds of in-fighting - or their invasion of my sanctuary. Perhaps this is preparing me for dog duty in the next six weeks....
Immediately when I woke up, I had my coffee and still in underwear and a T-shirt, did the unthinkable - I rubbed flea medicine into their stiff, ornery little necks (this really ticks them off) and stripped the bed for washing of everything.
Now moving on to pick up the house, wash my hair - I took a 5 a.m. shower - couldn't sleep - remake the bed with clean linens - have to pickup Grandson - only two more days of school left. The fridge is full of incredibly fresh, delicious fruit! Sun is shining, but the sky is graying a bit, making ready for our daily afternoon showers. I am also going to vacuum the carpet and wake the dang cats up.
Ack! The big hairy spider on its own would have given me the biggest heart attack! Fleas suck! I hope you got them in time and that the stuff actually works.
I am not letting Juno out for a while. She went across the road yesterday and freaked me out crossing back over to our yard, stopping in the middle of the road to just sniff the air! God! Talk about heart attack!
i have a few cats, and there are 2 that deffo want in and out at night, one climbs up the cheap drapes in the bedroom( that's why they are cheap,btw)anyway, they like to sleep on the bed and i saw fleas on lne of them so they get the neck rub stuff, too because they are all still too feral to really wear collars and they play in the woods and i wouldn't want them hanging themselves( except when one is on my nightstand @ 3:30 a.m. and wants food/attention/to sleep in my arms)dammy he sounds like a husband, hehehe!
Snowie is not allowed out side at all. Yikes.. I hate fleas. I hope you got them all as well..Now I am itchy just thinking about them.. LOL.
Cats being out is not a good concept. Too much can happen to them. However, its a decision - when they are bound to be out, their dashing for the door and running sometimes can't be controled - so all we can do is collar them and hope for the best. I never had a cat that did not dash for the outside. You got a good cat with Snowie! The big fat cat won't go out in the daytime and mostly at night, but some nights she gets a notion and can move that body like a streak of lightening! Not only do I worry when they are out, but I don't like being woke up when they decide to come in.
Pisko is awlays outside, but he comes in once in a while, for a good snooze on my side of the bed. I find it impossible not to give in to his imploring mewoing when I leave him on the landing...he sounds so sad and lonely that I MUST get up and let him inside the bedroom.
I hate fleas; spiders I don't mind at all.
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