When "H" opens the refridg and says it stinks, then it is time to do something - like clean. He has a 90% dead zone nose after working as a meatcutter and cutting dead things up for years. Sorry all you meat eaters out there. Actually I've been craving a T-bone - they look real purty and smell real good grilled, sans blood, with garlic salt and pepper. However there are some things I can't stand - the odor of a raw chicken, the smell of cooking hamburger (unless on a grill). I want an outdoor grill so bad I can smell and taste almost. I digress, back to "H'" "nose"...if HE says it smells bad, it smells bad.
My sister is the one who cleans refrigerators. She's amazing. Cleaning fridges has never been my forte, yet it is important to be able to find things and keep a certain standard of cleanliness going. So, Sistah, if you are reading this - be at peace, it's clean. Well, there is the freezer........
Anyway, the inside of the fridge is now perfect. Perfectly stacked, all pull dated food thrown out - all fungus growth on the leftovers pushed to the back went down the disposal - all containers soaked in 2.5 acid water to disinfect - I'm having so much fun cleaning with WATER! I scrubbed down the silver metal blinds with 11.5 alkaline water and it removed the grease from the table top grill perfectly. Doesn't take much to make me happy does it?
I moved on to Elvis and the tree with the birds on it - a gift from a friend who travels to Guatemala often. Elvis, a reject from my daughter when she moved. Now I am moving on to baseboards with the 11.5. Don't ya wish you were having as much fun as me?
The future seems to be holding room for me to schedule my time around other people's surgeries, colonoscopies, etc. I think this summer will go so fast, my head will spin...except for the month in Wyoming.
After Weds. and a Mexican dinner I am hosting, I'm going to concentrate on the beach for a few days! The water has turned from a dark color to the emerald green that our coastline is famous for and is as still and calm as silk.
I'm a fridge Nazi. Every Thursday(garbage day), I throw out or freeze all the leftovers. I defrost and scrub out the fridge 4-5 times per year. The fridge is actually one of the few things that's always clean here. The toilet is another story...
Oh, the water sounds lovely. Sun, sand, sea, and grilled food. Mmmmm. Now there's a fantasy I could get into...
I'm pretty good about keeping fridges clean - working in commercial kitchens will do that to you (or at least it did for me - too much slimy lettuce taught me it's worth it to clean at least once a week). And, oh, I have beach envy!
Well, you are all invited to come to beach for a few days if you get down this way. We are delighted to show it off - and to fix you something yummy (we hope) to eat - promise the food will come out of clean fridge..:) We like to spoil peeps - just ask my grandson.
Candy and Stagg here...Stagg is logged in but I am typing...
Oh cleaning fridges is such an icky chore. imho.
Stagg and I enjoyed seeing the picture though and we like your Elvis clock. He is looking over my shoulder as I read your blog!
I have a fetish and i throw out a lot of food ...nothing that i would eat stays for more than 3 days( except milk) it is hard because the boys would eat it in 6 months if it wasn't green and slimy. i am not actually a clean freak but i like vinegar and water to clean with, especially with the cats around. Enjoy your beach days! we are having a thunderstom right now, i think we will have no summer this year. now i am bored because the rental is done and tho we thought we had it rented out, those people flaked out, we had more come and look tonight, so my fingers are x'd. i keep trying to get my before and after pics up but i have been quite lazy this week.
Don't understand men, "H" has served the boy bloody chicken legs, tried to get me to cook meat dated back to '07, yes, will eat stuff that could contain seeds of alien creatures, but not the fresh leftovers, that's why they turn green in the back of fridge....will change the cat box and make himself a sandwich w/ no hand wash, so very scary
I would love to come see the water with you. You just never know. I got to meet Candi and Stagg so this maybe a possibilty sometime. Dont know when but hey its always a dream come true.. You are always welcome to stop here on yoru way back from Wyomming to visit with us. LOL..
1) Can I have your fridge? It looks full of goodies, juuuuuuust the way I like it
2) Can I have Elvis?
3) Can I have the tree with the birds?
4) Would you like to come and clean my fridge?
The water sounds wonderful! Especially the silky bit...
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