Not much eventful has been happening - I can't seem to get much done. Maybe its Farmtown, dunno. Something tempting about creating a virtual world that is mostly "perfect." No spots on the carpets there - no dust - no litter boxes - a barn that never gets dirty.
Grandson has been here this weekend - don't see him too much, so have enjoyed - much. Today took him for shoes - it was so cold and his toes were coming through the old ones, we got haircuts, ate at Olive Garden, he did his shopping for Christmas at the Dollar Store. I always find it delightful to see what children chose for presents!
I have some projects to do for Christmas and hope to get on top of them so I can make some Kringla - but no more baking than that because I eat it.
"H" home in bed fighting off a bug - probably just really tired. It is a proven fact that cold weather takes more energy, and for us chicken hearted sub tropical peeps it is COLD. I love letting the cold air in at night and snuggling into a warm nest of bed, infared quilt, and lots of pillows and puffy beddings. This morning it was 42 degrees - I forget - Farenheidt or Centigrade - oh dear, how old is THAT!
Hope to get to Mobile this coming week to see my oldest daughter's family. Plans sometimes don't work out!
My decorating is done, I think, except I'm looking for a bargain for a white poinsettia, and perhaps some more bird trimmings for my tree if I can find more bargains - the Dollar Stores are sometimes full of surprises. I found some pretty little white ones on twigs that fit into the tree. Don't know why I'm getting so taken with birds - is it an old age thing? If anyone knows where I can buy a tiny bird sized Santa hat for Nevermore, let me know.
I have a "real" wreath for the door that I'm adding redberries to - and when the door opens and closes, a whiff of fresh pine fills the air for a few minutes anyway!
Have to procure tickets to Nutcracker - always have taken the grandson - Ticketmaster seems to have changed this year and I am having a problem purchasing tickets where we sit together. There HAS to be a way!
That's all - life is comfortably boring - I like it that way.
I am about to comfortably demolish a bottle of vodka in a very boring way.
My kinda life!!!...;-)
Don't get me started on rail systems! MN has a new commuter rail between St Cloud and Mpls. How did they pay for this? By cutting aid to schools, cities, nursing homes and HEALTH CARE! Now, with a multi-billion dollar deficit, our idiot governor is still pushing for a high-speed rail between Duluth and Mpls!
You could glue a couple of triangles of red felt together for a Santa hat for Nevermore. Top it off with a pre-made white pom-pom. (The $ Store often sells bags of mini pom-poms in assorted colors.)
Comforably boring sounds delightful and how I like it too.
You are so inspiring with your Festivus work and decorations. I haven't down a thing. need to clear up apartment a bit before I decorate. See my FB page...I am up to something for Festivus another surprise for Stagg...
Oh...I hope the train works out...this is such an important developement for North America. We all need more trains at low cost. I checked out trains and itt's more than twice the cost of a bus. This is ridiculous. We need highspeed trains maybe elelctirc. I wish I could get on to a group to encourage trains. I thought about writing Trump and Oprah and Ted Turner begging them to create high sppeeed train lines ha ha...
I'm glad you ahd such a good weekend with joy with your granson . Good on ya!!!
Oh I love The Nutcracker!
I try to go every xmas; this year one of the dancers in the Prince character at the Royal Opera House is a super handsome Italian called
Federico Bonelli.
Just have a look!! Och, well worth the ticket!
Hey there. How are things. I am trying to keep from crying again so I am reading blogs. I broke my left foot today cleaning house. I know stupid right.. Hope all the holidays are great for you..
The whole thing feels very holidayish to me! Keep going-determination always wins overprocrastination-or something like that-I hope you kinda know what I'm trying to say!!
I am kind of back here in blogworld!
Boring is ok with me, too. It sure beats drama.
My grandmother took KC to see The Nutcracker when she was about 12, and it is one of her favourite Christmas memories :)
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