Be careful out there. A friend just dropped by today and his face looked like hamburger.
Our economy here is so bad, that crime is now rampant. Two friends who have stopped for gasoline after dark at mini-marts have been assaulted and robbed - in the presence of plenty of other people! People too afraid to intervene.
There have been shootings at the gas places almost every night as well. One friend was hit in the face with a baseball bat.
We are going back to survival mode. Remembering to: Keep doors locked and be careful when we go out. Don't leave purse or packages on the car seat while filling up with gas - carry something small to hold cash, etc. that's not obvious. Keep open eyes to what is going on around you. Because of my height I forget to have a healthy fear and am not as cautious as I should be. Don't mean to be an alarmist, but these incidents were just "too close to home." A while back it was a rash of home invasions. We have had a murder every day during and since the holidays - and the County's population is only one million spread over a big distance - we are not a hugely dense population area.
Be alert when out, keep locked doors when inside.
that's why i'm armed and dangerous!(i have a permit to carry a concealed weapon)but if you are antigun or your state is fanatical about it, get a spray bottle and fill it with ammonia a spray the bad guys in the eyes and run like hell...but don't admit to the ammonia assault :o)
ps, hope your birthday was grander than grand!
Thanks for the warning Gardenia.. I always keep the doors locked. Esp when Jeff's not home.
I sometimes think of getting a gun - while they still can be purchased. They scare the crap out of me though. But if things got really bad, would be protection, and one can shoot a rabbit or something for food. I want to take a cross country road trip this coming late spring, but am thinking twice about it - I wonder if I can "rent a big dog?"
BD was very quiet, very. Too. Except for some great sex, LOL! I shouldn't say that - may shock my younger readers. Tee hee.
I'm shocked!!! Disgraceful behaviour!!! ;-)
I have a bayonet collection that will be put to good use if anyone breaks in here.
Once used a French Epee bayonet on the rear end of a burglar who tried to break into my shed as he clambered over my six foot gate to get away.
They don't like it up 'em you know!!!!
Haven't got a licence for my concealed weapon though....
....behave Preacher
if you're going cross country, where are you going???any chance you will be near the rain forest?
what a world we live in, eh? Love n hugs to you and H. PS I left you a comment on Allen Richards blog!
The economy is no better here and I am worried that things will get bad here, too.
Our unemployment rate is the highest it has been in years..Shawn has been off of work for about two months. I can see people getting desperate.
My kids all carry knives. Jessica can throw a punch like nobody's business. I carry my keys between my fingers to jab anyone that comes too close.
Ever since that night with the crack head trying to get in our house, I am so careful about locking up.
Sad, isn't it?
Same here in Canada. There have been hammer attacks at gas stations, lots of robberies, etc. I try to limit going out after dark, and have the alarm set at all times.
That said, crime is always highest here during economic boom times. That's when people can afford the illegal drugs, when transients come in from other provinces to take advantage of the economy, etc. So I guess there's no perfect economic solution to crime.
What made me think the most about this post is this:
"in the presence of plenty of other people! People too afraid to intervene."
Sometimes it happens in London too. A big city, full of people of all kinds, London has a lot of crime -and here too sometimes people don't act when a crime is committed not out of cowardice but because they fear for their life.
A sad sad sad state of affairs we are in.
This post makes me grateful for our small town life. Our economy is even worse than the nat'l economy, but we still leave our doors unlocked and travel freely after dark.
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