Somethin's missin' here. (Besides part of the bottom of the painting). I don't think I should have off-sided it. Any suggestions from all you wonderful creative arty people out there? I think I might paint a design on the bowl. But the empty left corner is what pulls the eye in, rather than the artichokes. Hmmmm?
And the art endorphines work fine every time! I highly recommend it!
I was thinking that adding some fruit like grapes hanging off to the left might be a nice touch... Or Vicki's idea of the grapes is not a bad plan either. Frankly I like the offset look... Both has it's merits.
I like the puppy paws idea! ha!
This is a lovely painting. You are really talented! Wow! I really enjoyed this. more please.
I don't know what to tell you about a price for working with your co-workers. I will think about a plan!
I don't know what to tell you about the painting, except maybe some more color?
I don't know what to tell you about a price for working with your co-workers. I will think about a plan!
I don't know what to tell you about the painting, except maybe some more color?
An artichoke makin' a break for freedom.
Freedom Rocks! Free the artichokes!
i like this work of art... as it is... it exudes that feeling of emptiness and fulfillment at the same time... beautiful.
ooo, I thought I had an original comment, but turns out vicki beat me to it!! I aggree, put some artichoke leaves on the table. Cool painting:) Wish I could paint, not much of an artist that way, though, all my drawings end up lopsided!! I do play piano, and try to write...
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