Anyway, back on the subject. Why do I think life is like the movie, "Ground Hog Day?" Ummm, I can't remember.....
Ah, doing the same day over and over and over again. I guess I've had two many deja vu's lately. And I need a vacation back to Florida again. Already.
I used to like doing personnel - but we had to dismiss someone the other day. It was a rough go, and I felt bad, really bad, although the person did deserve it. We aren't in the business of rehab for various compulsive issues, but in the business of running a business without getting lawsuits from offended people. And it wasn't my decision. But the "confidentiality," the high emotions on both sides, the meetings to "decide what to do," all bought me back to my days working in personnel at the City. Sigh. I just wanna go home and be a Nana.

I want to be a housecleaner, a cook, a "nan," a chauffer, a flower garden cultivator. A volunteer at Church. A sewer of wonderful things, a painter of wonderful pictures, and a sculptress of wonderful sculptures. I want to be in my family's life, chaotic as it may be.
Oh yes, I am counting down the days.....business world, bye bye.
You know I did not know ground hogs were not the same as prairie dogs. Hmmmm I cannot believe people would do such a mean thing as to put bubble gum down their holes either. They are as cute as a bugs ear. I have sugar gliders and have to be careful what I feed them. Anything that makes them pass gas they cannot have because their digestive systems are not designed to do that.
As far as terminating people at work, that used to be one of the most difficult things I had to do in management. Sometimes it was just easier to pick up the slack than to deal with the confrontation of termination. Watching someone sit there and cry because they lost their job, deserved or not, used to tear me up.
Hope you get to go home for Vacation.
The struggles of life, huh?
I have been informed that these guys spread plague. Two domestic cats in the mountains contracted plague from the fleas off the gophers I am told. They bite an owner, and well, I don't think plague is a very good thing to have. Well, I'm an animal advocate - not a popular stance in Wyoming with so many hunters, etc. Maybe its true Wyo would be over-run by disease and wolves were they not controlled. Even after so many bad experiences with a crazy uncle's menagerie of wild animals (they aren't meant to be pets) I am still a sucker for the wild things. I have been told by those higher up to put away my "save the wildlife" biogems bag, and shut up. Maybe I will. :)
Groundhog Day is a brilliant moveie
Groundhog Day is a brilliant movie
Groundhog Day is a brilliant movie
Groundhog Day is....oh bugger this
They're cute can I have one?
Oh, me - I opened a can of worms (fleas) - my friend who lives up in the Snowy Range who hasn't commented in the blog left me her side on this via email - twice - in the meantime I'm wondering what in the heck County Weed & Pest is doing with their time and money? I think there are sprays out that kill fleas...i think. There are two very polarized views out here in regard to wildlife, both thinking they are right. Re: cats = Doesn't the story go in the middle ages that it was the cats who eventually saved the human race from plague? I want to know how come the cats didn't all die then. Here in Wyoming these little fellas surely have some natural predators...but then the wolves & coyotes are killed off because the ranchers think they eat sheep - the other side says they only eat sick sheep too weak to fight them. ?? Anyway my guess is natural predators are gone....It was amazing looking in the catacombs in Vienna Cathedrals, seeing the twelve foot high piles of bones, skulls, skeletons of plague victims. I wonder what kind of meds are out there now to treat such? Vicki - you're in the medical field...????? remember when our cousin was shooting coyotes from the air and the plane went down and he laid in the wreckage for quite a while before he was found, then laid in the hospital a long time trying to get his legs working again? Oh...the wild West.
oh, my Vicki, I'm laughing so hard at your post it is making me forget I have a server down, 168 people waiting to have their paychecks generated, two other computers down and two employees can't work, and today is the last day for primary voter registration and I'm short handed. Is Black the same as Bubonic? Anyway, I hope your haid is better. Mine is swooning because of lack of oxygen. Another dirt storm last night, plus my swamp fan broke down and poured about 12 gallons of water onto the 2 inches of dirt that blew in on the kitchen floor and LR carpet. Dang breeding ground for mosquitos, my apartment now. I swear I saw frog eggs this a.m.
hahahah - that war' an expensive coyote hunt, warn't it?
uh oh - about everyone up there has dogguhs, which don't go in littah boxes. I told my friend to call in Weed & Pest - they should know what to do.....I'm not sure spraying yards with pesticides would work....so which comes first the rodent or the egg, er....flea? I gotta beesic-clay in refridge.....marlow type. Not as good as others. Yes, a glass and a more sunny subject....
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