I wrote a long letter via email to my youngest last night, I was so lonely for them.
This came back to me from my daughter in response to a letter telling her I might be out here two years longer than I planned:
I love you and miss you with all my heart. I know Sagie misses you very much too. But we want what is best for you. You have spent your whole life taking care of us now it's time to care for yourself. Whenever I get to missing you so bad, I tell myself that I am being selfish. Others have lost a parent forever. I am lucky because I can still talk to you, you are still a big part of our lives (just a little further away). I am proud of you for taking initiative towards building a future. It saddens me so much to see elderly patients in the hospital that have nothing. Some of them are in such bad shape financially that they can't afford their meds and end up in the hospital over and over again. Don't worry about disappointing Sage. He is super lucky that you guys were able to have such a close relationship for so long and will again. Some grandkids don't have the opportunity to have such a relationship. We love you so much and will support you 100% in whatever you decide.
With much love and adoration,
Isn't that the best! I love 'em sooooooooooooo much.
That is MAGIC. The only word that comes close.
What love!
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