My 16 year old grandson, as of Saturday, showed me his restored vintage mustang with great pride - it will be his as soon as he gets his permenent license.
The little guy's Christmas present was the above bunk bed - yes, that's the show room not the little fellow's messy room. We're still working on that. He also got his own computer obtained by Mom for a pittance by lurking in Walmart electronics section from midnight to 6 a.m. on a specials night. The same lurking session netted a portable DVD player for me which I am going to love since my TV is broke and I have no sound devices at all working at the apartment.
I watched The Black Dahlia - interesting theory of the famous murder case, a very dark and seductive movie, and Night at the Museum (at the Rave Theatre) which was boring to start with but turned out to be quite a fun movie - Robin Williams' twinkling pulled it through and a delightful monkey and some supporting actors - I can never remember names - it was a feel good movie - just fun, and the little boy loved it.
Also watched M. Night Shyamaian's Lady in the Water - it was very good, the mood setting fabulous, and I loved the Lady's "Protector." What a guy that can look, hug, hold, and protect a naked woman and because she was in trouble, treat her so tenderly and protectively without putting a hustle on because she was vulnerable! The movie wasn't scary, just interesting, and funny in places. This guy did ANYTHING to protect the Lady, including swimming down the drain of a swimming pool - now how is THAT for chivalry. Uh, don't try it guys - this was a VERY pretend movie! I think Shyamaian is so unique with his stories.
Back to real life mimics -- also watched Eye for an Eye with Sally Field which I had seen before but it was still an exciting movie. Sorry folks, movie reviews are not what I am good at - I relate to them emotionally rather than intellectually -
Christmas Eve dinner? Ahhhhhhhhhh - Sushi and Tuna Sashimi. Did traditional ham Christmas day - nothing fancy, just some steamed broc, steamed carrots, and mashed 'taters, two pies we didn't eat. I love gourmet cooking - but just couldn't get it together - oh well, we had a great time just being together.
Time here is drawing to a close, now I wish I had thought ahead and along with the other medical stuff I got caught up on with my old doctors here, I wish I had obtained a second opinion on my back. I think its probably too late now. My mother informed me my car has been repaired and is awaiting me when I come back to the mountains. With obtaining an attorney, getting my car fixed, and a few other things underway, I am making some progress. Still indecisive about the back surgery. The girls want me to do it here. My hubby just wants it to go away. Guess it won't.
We built a loft bed, similar to that, for Z. His bed has storage, instead of a 2nd bed.
Your Christmas sounded wonderful! I'm sooo glad you get to immerse yourself in the love of your family!!
Hey, sounds like a great time - including the sushi! I'm going to Vancouver today and will gorge myself on sushi when there, I'm sure. Thanks for the movie recommends. I wanted to see The Black Dahlia when it came out. Hope it's available on DVD soon. Denver's getting hit again with a bad snowstorm. I hope you're not flying into it any time soon...
I go back through Salt Lake, someone was watching over me!
I want that bedroom!
Aww gardenia
do what your children want ..at least on this ..
That way they'll feel more comfy and god forbid if you had it elsewhere and something happened to you ..they would never let you forget it ( or ever let you make another independent decision again)
Cynnie - scary - more so than surgery - the idea that my kids will make my decisions - hooboy - I think I'll be pretty capable for a long, long time - considering my grandma lived to be 101 - younger daughter has been groaning since I've been here - she had to lift a very large patient (she's the tiny one of us all) and her neck bone in the back has been so swollen and pain in her arm - THAT also really scares me - i might have to put off surgery to take care of her - ????? I think there is a curse on the bone structure of our family....nothing else would explain my oldest having two back surgeries, a tumor that ate the bone & joints out of her thumb - a cousin with endochrondromas - me with a total of five ruptured discs in two years - - - no one can just have arbitary luck that bad........
It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday, too.
I'm so glad that you were with your family. That's what Christmas is all about.
Ack, back surgery and where to have it is not an easy decision.
It sounds like time with the family is a good time and you enjoyed xmas. What a great bedroom set!
Hope your New Year brings a better feeling back and no more pain!
Hang in there girl.
Oh you poor thing, i hope hubby's wishes come true and you never need to do surgery.
Hope 2007 brings joy and happiness for you!
Bed looks fun.
You know, it is interesting this blogging thing. I am nearly at the end of a year. I find I do not have the zest for it I used to.
Gotten comfy with hearing from and visiting a few good friends. And now that some of them are leaving Blogland, phooey. . .
A lot of my clients read it to keep up with my life. I like that b/c I don't have to answer a million questions. . . you know?
Jax is an encouragement re back surgery. Dr. Chapleau here has an excellant reputation.
God be with you as you journey on!
tshsmom, it would be wonderful to be so talented to build one of these!!!! The men around here have two left hands, or they play dumb so they won't have to!
Hatti, yeh, I've thought about not blogging - it has been my lifeline tho these past desolate months - and the stalker surely took a lot of the joy out - its one thing to know people read your blog - even if they don't make comments - that is always so welcome, that's ok - but to lurk around with MALICE - blogging does not feel safe anymore - then if I do have surgery in the mountains, I won't have access to a computer for a couple of months - guess I'll have to take it a month at a time, I don't want to quit really, I enjoy it too much - you would be sorely missed that's for sure.....you have a talent for writing too - so I hope you will continue in some format...
kiss sweetie pup on the nose for me - thank you all for so much support :)
Woo, so you can watch movies now! Cool.
Richard and I both enjoyed Lady in the Water. Say what you will, I think M. Night is a brilliant guy.
I really hope you can keep blogging - you will be very missed if you take a break!
Sushi for Christmas? You rock!
Saw the Ben Stiller movie while my son and I were in England. No one there got the "I can't quit you" joke between the cowboy and Roman guard because they didn't release Brokeback Mtn in the UK. My son and I were the only 2 people laughing.
Glad Christmas was a good one for you! : )
I need turkey! But then, we had M&M"s beef wellingtons and loved them...glad you're with your loved ones too.
Agree with your kids.
I didn't like the Black Dahlia. Saw it in the theater.
2007 is gonna be an awesome year for us all, esp. you!
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