Boy, did I get out of town in time! I keep hearing stories of Denver being completely shut down as far as mail, traffic slow downs, road closures, etc. We have had one glorious day of 75 degrees with sunshine, and then it clouded up and continues to rain. But tis pleasant rain, not ice cold with wind driving it at 40 mph, but this is gentle.
Too much going on to blog about but here's one that cracked me up:
Conversation with grandson: (he) "You know Santa has a permnanent list, and he puts his finger by his nose and turns a switch to put you on the good one or bad one."
Love it! Love being around the youngsters. Will have to post the tattoo pics when I can talk my daughter into feeding them into a photo program on the computer. I have come to the conclusion that this Christmas present may have been more about her, as I don't think I have seen her laugh so much at my groans, whimpering, eye movements, etc. as I've seen her laugh about anything. Anyway I'm very happy with it, it is appropriately "mysterious" and artistic and at my age ya know you're not going to want it off before you die. And I was only kidding about my daughter, it was a wonderful Christmas present. The kids just love leading me down all kinds of wild roads! Sushi, taxi drivers, tattoos, ska, rockabilly, blues, etc. They are all so unique (the kids & grandkids and my greatest present is being present with them!)
It sounds as if you are enjoying your vacation. Now that tatoo we all have to see. :-D I think it is cute what your grandson had to say about Santa. hehehe
Well you have a Merry Christmas...
I feel I've missed something about the tattoo somewhere along the line...
Saw pics of Denver on BBC tv last night. Very snowy!
Is Santa's switch ON his nose or IN his nose? I suddenly have an image of left nostril naughty, right nostril nice...
I can actually feel your joy through your words! I'm sooo happy for you!
I'll bet your pain has subsided, along with your stress.
karen - lol - what a concept
LIKE that tatoo, brave lady. Living vicariously through you!
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