Well, I'll soon be on the airplane. I'm so excited. I got my oldest daughter's gift ordered off of EBAY. I forgot to ask the younger if the tree was up. She was freaking about cleaning up the house before I got there. The first time I went home, I found the large rug from the bedroom covering the carpet in the study. I figured correctly that rug was covering a large coke/pepsi stain. Oh well. Just got a call from hubby. There is no Christmas tree up. Well, its about too late now. I guess we can string lights on the fake plant in the corner when I get there. I wish I could get them a tumbleweed, but I can't run fast enough with a broke back to catch one. I will do something artistic and fun anyway - we'll see what.
Wow, we're having a wild night in the apartments. Last night I couldn't sleep as people were ringing my doorbell or knocking until about 3 in the morning. I have a new invention - a doorbell that when it is punched, sounds like 4 barking dobermans. The banging has started, and a few screams from upstairs, yelling from a car out front....and gee, we're early tonight - it's not after 10:00 p.m. yet.
I have shredded nerves for about five different reasons. Well gotta go wash clothes, get organized.
Oh how I remember those tumble weeds in Rawlins. I think they are the Wyoming State Tree. JUST KIDDING!!!!
If I remember right they were prickly and not comfortable to carry. At least that is what I remember when I was a youngster and my kite crashed into a bunch of them and those weeds stuck to the tail and I tried to carry them all home.
You have another kind of weed there also that is not as prickly. My stepmother once decided to cook them for greens. YUCK!!! There has got to be better ways to save money. LOL .. I Swear!
You have a wonderful trip and a great Christmas. It sounds like you can truly use the break...
-- Who does not miss Rawlins
Yes, Rawlins, Gillette, Casper, Wright, Rock Springs, Wamsutter, all the little prairie towns seem to have tumble weeds in winter. (Ha, maybe that's why they are sort of "western christmas tree" - they could have been for those who didn't get to the mountains for the green.) Never saw them up around 'toga or the towns tucked in the mountains. I've never seen any in Cheyenne - used to see them in Casper, now only see them up on outer drive once in while.
I bet you are glad to be moved to a kinder, softer climate. I hope people are kinder and softer there too. Neither of us had too happy of memories growing up in Wyoming. Saw your post about the S, you are right, perhaps she did not have happy memories, either - but then she's not from Wyomnig I've heard - but don't know, you know how rumors are out here in the prairie towns. Anyway, bad memories are bad memories no matter where accumulated. Can't speculate that's for sure. I've long ago gave up trying to figure out what makes people do what they do, that's why I didn't finish the counseling degree - I got to the point I didn't care! :) I mean its not that I don't care, I just came to the point I realized you can't fix people - its up to each individual to become a better person. Ya?
Have a great trip!
YAY! I'm so happy that you're going home! Enjoy the time with family.
Its getting kind of old, dont you think? Since you have allowed your friend, Rainbow Sister to slander me, give my full name and location and email address on your blog, when all I was doing was reading quietly. Who is stalking who? I would not have even started my blog had the references to me, on yours stopped. But, they didnt. Why do you have such a problem with me simply reading your blog? I wasnt making comments or hurting you in any way. Did it even occur to you that maybe I was trying to get to know you? Maybe I was trying to decide if I had judged you wrong over the whole election thing? Maybe I just enjoyed reading about The places you have been, and liked your art. No, I had to automatically be some physco stalker.
Well, my life is too short and this time of year is too happy to have someone like you and your friends slandering me all over the place.
So, I offer a peace offering. After all, someone has to be an adult here. If all references about me are removed, and will stop, I will not visit your blog again. If you want to blab office politics all over Heck and back, go for it. Someone else will find it. Im not paid to baby sit you. You dont seem to care if you say something that could cost you or someone else a job, so why should I?
End of story. You leave me alone, I leave you alone. You can also inform your friend "Rainbow Sister" that SHE is getting closer to stalking than I ever did. I may have emailed you both WITH ADDRESSES YOU WILLINGLY PUBLISHED, and I did call you at work, because I have a brain and you did accuse my of an illegal act. But I NEVER published your personal information. I would never dream of doing that to someone.
So, deal, or no deal. Its up to you. I have no desire to fight . I really didnt realize how much it bothered you that i continued to read your blog. Then when you posted about it, it got my back up a little bit and I retaliated with my blog. For my part in all of this, Im very, and truly sorry. I never in a million years thought anything would go this far.
Actually, Kristy, I have an email you wrote to me stating you had no problem with your name being used. Otherwise I would not have done it... I still have the email. I do not know what your problem is, but the owner of this blog is one of the kindest, most caring, forthright, and honest people I know. Perhaps to a fault!! She is not the one who addressed the continued harassment and links yesterday. So if you have a problem with anyone, I suggest you direct it at me as I made the post.
Yep Gardenia,
Wyoming is a chapter in my life leaving me grateful it was not the final chapter.. I am definately enjoying the softer climate and the gentle nature and generous hospitality of Southerners...
mrsg - I am telling you now, to leave me alone, leave my blog alone, leave my life alone.
I would recommend in the future, if you want to get to know someone on-line, email them and ask them if they would like to have a cup of coffee or something, rather than start messing with their lives, their friends, their job, their blog...etc.
Next I would recommend a mental health counselor.
Next I would recommend volunteering somewhere to give yourself something valuable to do and think about.
And again, I say STOP. STOP NOW.
Amen to that!! I could not agree more...
Ya think - thanks for the good work! Especially for saving all those onslaughts that I deleted. You are going to have a great career!
Ha ha ha that is great!
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