Stopped by daughter's work and saw the most unique Christmas ornament - an angel made out of a urinal.
Flying over Utah reminded me of flying over Greenland. A good share of it was white.
The big plane was spacious, had a movie, "The Illusionist," which was good - anyway I liked it. First newly released movie I've seen in months and months. The plot was great, but felt like some pieces may have been missing, but maybe that was because it took me a while to figure out the ear phones.
I want to visit my church tomorrow but perhaps should acclimatize for a few hours - I can breathe again - actual air coming through my nostrils instead of sand and dust! Hoorah.
Purple couch is pretty but has made the rest of our furniture look pretty shabby.
Enough - so tired.
So glad that you made it safe and sound! And you have a marble slab...mmmmm I love them. Please tell me that you took a picture of the urangel. It sounds fantastic!
I am glad you made it home safe and sound.. Yep Yep!! Marble Slab is wonderful isn't it? Now how do you get away with taking Little Boy to Ci Ci's instead of Chucky Cheese? Your lucky!! :-) Anyway I am glad you are home and Have a great holiday.
Thanks for letting us know that you arrived safely!!
LOL about the couch. That's the problem with ANY home improvement; it leads to MORE home improvements!
If you rough up the purple couch, I bet the rest of everything will look new again!
Glad you had a safe journey. I'm guessing you don't miss the snow!
I can't even begin to imagine what a "urangel" might look like, so I too am hoping you got a photo. :D
Yea!!! You made it and have already spent some good times with family...look forward to following your holidays!
Glad you made it - and avoided all that nasty white stuff! I saw marble slab when I was in Florida a couple years back but never had a chance to go there. Darn! And BOO Wal-Mart!
YAY!!! Get lots of rest, so happy you're there!!!
Glad you're back with your family finally, Gardenia. Have a great Christmas!
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