If you look closely, you can see hundreds of beensy little birds in the pine trees. (I wish I had a telephoto lense) I think they may have been finches. I know I am going to have to get a book on birds. These trees make me really nervous, especially around hurricane season. The one in front of the house toppled during Ivan right on top of the roof and made a rather nasty mess. The vine is gorgeous, but looks like it may be attempting to invade the attic, so hopefully I will be able to hold up to at least trim to top off. I thought it would be nice to have it cover the bathroom window - only I didn't expect it to be as black as night. These vines are gorgeous on fences - I may have to move a few starts. The tree peeking around the corner is our prolific orange tree. Tomorrow the sprinkler system pieces arrive. Yah! I used to get my exercise running around the yard watering. Then no one did. So I barely have a yard left. Another task to accomplish. Nurseries are bringing in their plants for spring and I can barely restrain myself! Oh dear, the neighbors have a pit bull puppy that runs free - it has just pulled the screen off my study window and the cats are screaming and trying to get through the cracked window and the pup is as anxious to get in out of the dark to some human company. Gotta run.
It's all happening in Florida! Your post sounds so breathless, I can almost taste the "busy busy busy" energy!
What kind of vine is that, pray tell? I am looking for something that grows aggressively for the back wall of the garden...
red, I'll see if I can find out what they are. The fragrance is really nice too. It's about 3 years old. I see them on fences all around town - and they bloom year around - (but I don't know where you live - maybe not in snow.)
Well, not a lot of snow here, but it's certainly not as warm as Florida (though with global warming, who knows? We might get there soon!).
I had a passion flower plant that grew beautifully and actually bore fruit for several years. It started doing less well after I moved it to another spot of the garden where it was more sheltered. I moved it back to where it was thriving, let's see how it fares now...
Wow, spring has arrived down there! That's cool that you have an orange tree. Not so cool that your neighbors let their dog run free!
You are so lucky! I know that you have a lot of work to do, but still, you are so lucky! Spring.
A pitbull running around loose? They are banned here, you are not allowed to own one. If you had one before the new law, then they must be fixed, leashed and muzzled at all times. They are beautiful, but tend to be aggressive.
Good luck.
You are so lucky! I know that you have a lot of work to do, but still, you are so lucky! Spring.
A pitbull running around loose? They are banned here, you are not allowed to own one. If you had one before the new law, then they must be fixed, leashed and muzzled at all times. They are beautiful, but tend to be aggressive.
Good luck.
I love that pic with the birdies! I wondered why it looked kinda "fuzzy"!
wow, beautiful....a couple years ago, I was in Idaho, on Silver Creek. It was extremely hot in the afternoons and I took some shelter wedging myself under some stunted trees/bushes for a nap. When I awoke there a a little theatre happening with dozens of little birds hopping about in the in the branches, that my friend who lives out there said were actually eastern flycatchers. From outside the bush-world, you wouldn't even know the birds were in there.
Ever since I saw The Birds it freaks me out to see so many in one spot. I was pretty impressionable when I saw it.
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