The legend goes that donkeys were used to haul the coffee from the plantations in Haiwaii up the sides of the mountains to market - and the donkeys weren't always pleased - thus the name of the coffee company.
I stopped at my old place of employment and the bookkeeper/manager had been - uh - relieved of her duties. I left my resume - I loved working there - but I feel so beat up physically, not sure I want to work yet. Anyway, I think a job will click when its time to click, whether it be that one or another.
Today drove the 35 miles to the clinic that does the new back treatments. They want BEEEG moolah ($$$$$!!!!) up front, or BEEEEG moolah in three payments. I have to think and analyze some more. Yeh, that's a weakness. Analyze it to pieces by golly. I think I will visit my old chiropractor (who thinks these treatments might be a scam or close to one) - and have him look over my neurological records. Two of my good friends who really suffered with their books were able to obtain significant healing through these treatments, however. Also need to call my hubby's health insurance - most won't pay over $25 for a limited number of visits for chiro related treatment. It is a crime that the person who hit me has insurance which won't pay anything until they are good and ready (that way they force you to settle for less so you can have adequate medical care). To make matters more nervewarcking....my attorney has been way too silent.
I have to do something - I don't know if its the accident or what - but I hurt ALL OVER - my neck, back, hard to lift arms. Discouraging - so much to do!
The drive around town today - awesome. My car told me it was 78 degrees out so I rolled down the window and let the hot sun minister to my poor ol' aching bones. Grabbed a sliced barbecue pork sandwich - mmmmhmmmm. I want my X-M radio back so I can chew on barbecue and listen to the blues!
mmmm I miss good bbq.
Oooh, I love good BBQ, epecially the Kansas style which I was introduced to in Alabama at a place called Phil's Best Butts. Long story. Anyhow, that really sucks about your back and I hope you get a settlement soon so you can get treatment. It IS criminal that the person's insurance won't pay up in good time. I'd start harrassing your lawyer.
I hope that you find some relief soon. I would start harrassing someone about timely payments to help you deal with your pain. It just isn't fair.
I wish that I could feel the sunshine here.
Sounds like life in sunny Florida is sweeter than in snowy Wyoming...
Hope your back feels better soon. I'm sure the sun will work wonders -- in addition to the beeeeeeg-moolah treatments, if you decide to go for those.
Aside from the aching, sounds like a perfect day!
I managed to bbq right into January here, but then the snow made it difficult. We've had a couple warmer days, but there is a so-called "Colorado Low" on the way with freezing rain. Hope to be back slow-cooking outdoors in a week or two (wishful thinking).
i dun o abot were u live but in cali thay has 2 settle in a year tha insurance company not u u can says no im goin 2 court thay do not wanna do that at all
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