Dried catnip is usually a treat for the cats. When I planted my herbs and vegetable starts, I decided maybe a little of the fresh stuff would be nice. I have also heard of using catnip tea for various ailments. If it works for cats, why not humans. Well, the start for the catnip is now covered over with a laundry basket and a brick, as the cats nibbled off most of the start and rolled in that. Then Psycho began eating the dirt around the plant. Whoa. That must be strong stuff. How's that for a blast from the 70's?
Raining here - and I hoped for sunshine. We'll see what the morning brings, this may mean no softball practice. So besides enabling cats to get high, I'm not sure what is on the agenda this weekend.
I had better get a shower and prepare some breakfast just in case there is baseball practice. So I will leave you and wish you a very good weekend.
Good morning my friend. Oi, I have that big wedding today. Changing plans, taking tools to church so they can look fresh going down the isle. And I am wearing LONG pants (I splurged on BCBG!) and white patent flats w open toes. I loathe to get my feet/shoes wet and have soggy hemmed pants!!
I am loving our www.thinkingfast.org coaching! Love you, too!!
PS Have you tried the catnip?!! Just curious!
PS Have you tried the catnip?!! Just curious!
That is so funny! I wish there were a human version...you know, that you didn't have to smoke? That we could just sniff? Wouldn't that make life so much more bearable?
Just saying...
Well, W.C., I think there might be a human version, but its not legal. :) Actually I haven't done any research into the benefits of catnip for humans - I just noticed in some of my healthfood catalogs that catnip tea is listed.....
HG: I can't wait to wear white pants without looking like the Pillsbury Dough Girl - Bet you are lookin' good! Yes, wasn't todays thinking thingie great!
Well, a quick research on catnip tea, produced a link which I put in the original blog. Sounds like it can be a sleep aid - but one of the side effects is confusion - is that why Psycho was eating the dirt around the plant? Maybe?
Can you believe that my lill' Pisko does not care for catnip at all? Never ever has been fond of it, not even when he was a kitten, all those years ago.
He loves green pesto though, I think that's his drug of choice.
This is hilarious! That cat looks so stoned.
Hope your weekend left you refreshed for today and the rest of the week. We had rain, too, and did some planting anyway. If one waits for sunshine in Western Oregon one is liable to become housebound. :)
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