Dear heavens - I have been on the computer for about two hours trying to make MySpace work for me. I still don't care for it. But we'll see. I came back to blogspot today - it feels like a warm robe on a cold winter day - comforting somehow. I think MySpace is for the youngsters - but hey, I'm hip. Old, but hip.
Dang, the Blue Angels are practicing and shredding my nerves - I guess its that time of year. I will be back later to comment. Just checking in. I can't think with my walls shaking.
Yeh, too much coffee too.
Oh - the first rose of summer is breaking out in bloom - orange as sherbet! I continue trying to weed the flower bed, a bit at a time, so slow, so slow. I have to fertilize the grass somehow - will figure it out. Then I'm going to write a book on how to continue to live life with a bad spine.
I have a my space account. I got one to stay in touch with an old high school friend of mine. I couldnt see her kids until I joined. I agree.I like blogger better than myspace. Here is my page if you have an account www.myspace.com/nbrtweety. Check it out sometime.
I tried myspace. And WordPress, Livejournal, etc. Couldn't stand (or understand...) any of them. Always came back to blogger. It's definately user friendly, especially for those of us who don't know anything about HTML etc.
Orange roses??? OOoh, I hope you can share a picture with us soon.
i kill myspace n facebook n some net dealie it rains here every freakin day n it has been abot 32 -34 at nite :(
Tweety, I'll visit. Karen, myspace doesn't want to take any HTML even if you know it. puppy - its raining almost every day here too - it is weird, usually its in the 80's by now. Your temps sound cold. Watch out for moldy shoes. :)
yes it does Gardenia, You just go to places like myspace layouts. Google it. You will find code beyond code you can put in there. You put it in the various boxes like about me... I have a friend who can set it up for you if you like. It is different and initially it can seem overwhelming...
I have a myspace page, and I use myspace for the music really. The bands update their Myspace pages every day, unlike their websites.
Please please post a picture of the rose! You already posted one of a rose looking from a mirror, but what about the orange one in your garden...
It is the incredible shrinking woman!! Look at you! I am getting excited about seeing you this summer.
A rose is a rose....
I have a livejournal account. I signed up to read an old friends journal. I can manage it ok, but myspace? All of kids have that and it's like greek to me. I just don't get it.
I much prefer blogger or facebook. Maybe I'm getting old....
I don't mess with MySpace or Facebook or other social networking sites...blogger serves my needs just fine.
Blogger is my preference - I can't even get into facebook anymore no matter how many times I reset my password. MySpace is ok for pics, slideshows - esp. sharing music - it seems more superficial - but others swear by it - we'll see.
Roadless has some Myspace codes for me - who knows what will develop.
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