Wish I was here.
Can't post much today - "H" on the warpath because I forgot to turn off the water in the flower bed - cleaning lady coming and I have a mess to try to clean up so she can clean - stuff needs sorted and disposed of and put away - its going to be one of those days that I am going to have to go look for something to do to get away from the "seething." The sun is shining. Maybe the beach for a walk if not some browning of the body covering -
God grant me the wisdom to change the things I can, to not worry about the things I can't change, and the wisdom to know the difference - something like that. LOL, maybe I should go find an Alanon meeting.
So, I have to get moving - have a great day everyone.
Try to have a good day, and yes, a walk along the beach would be just the ticket!
Go walk on the beach, no negative thoughts, thank the Lord for a beautiful day... time for yourself and nature.
Love ya,
Another vote for a beach walk!
The nice thing about times that rattle is that they end - eventually. A fresh slate appears.
Try and have a good day. Its not easy when your other half is in a seething mood. I try to avoid him at all costs when Jeff is in those moods. Enjoy the beach. We cant even think about putting up the pool yet..
It should be early afternoon at your end of the world, I hope your day has been good, so far.
I'd love to come for a walk on the beach!
Wish you all could come for that walk on the beach and watch the sun go down. :)
The weather sure has been great for beach walking when it is not raining. How I admire the fact you live close enough to the beach to be able to do that.
ya think - come spend a day - class is almost done - but its only tues & weds
You know my grandmother had that saying "the serenity prayer" in her kitchen all of my lifetime...and it was only a couple of years ago I found out it was from AA. I was dumbfounded...she never hardly drank but just liked the saying...
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