I KNEW it! The news tonight said most of the offending tomatoes were from Mexico and Florida. The FDA is making Florida deal with it. So far, Mexico is off limits. Speculation is that the most recent death from Salmonella is a political death because as of yet, the U.S. is NOT dealing with Mexico in regard to the problem - so why is government approving killer drugs while banning others, turning its back on food import dangers from other countries, and putting a quiet lid on dangerous goods from China? Yes, yes, I know - "follow the money." Enough said. In the case of Mexico - what is going on - is government trying to break our backs - break us into accepting low, low wages for jobs by turning blind eyes toward the illegals problem? They've already busted the Unions partially through outsourcing and turning blind eyes to millions crossing the southern border at will, (other methods too - but not addressed here) and whatever is left is mostly ineffectual. All the while we are being forced into accepting unacceptable product and service and wages. The newest reduction in our wages is that employers are more often dropping sick leave from their benefits list. Come on - you really want us to come to work sick, contaminate the whole office or workplace, thus reducing the efficiency of all rather than pay one to stay home a couple of days? Uh, that is NOT good management.
The working people of this country fought long and hard for decent treatment of employees. We are going backward. Service is horrible - we call for assistance from many companies and can not even understand the customer service person on the other end of the line. I have had workers in grocery stores and drive throughs just give me even dollars for change - to my benefit or to theirs - because they can't make change. How can I get the change corrected when they don't speak English?
I'm stubborn - I'll be darned if I'm going to learn Spanish and Urdu to function in my own country.
The two new cleaning ladies from Bolivia sent over here by the now too pregnant original cleaning woman can't speak English, let alone read the instructions for the things we need done - I have to find someone who speaks Spanish to translate my own list ..........
I'm not even sure how the original one got here, my daughter hired her - what scares me is that I do not have an I-9 in my files to protect myself.
Does my anger at these situations mean I'm a redneck? Well, by golly, give me some torn denim shorts to my butt crack, a pickup truck with a confederate sticker, annuh case of brew - - - maybe I won't remember my frustration.
Yeh, yeh, yeh, I know - I am not practicing "Infinite Love and Gratitude." I think I should get the book - to find out how to practice "choice" when it appears choices have been taken from us against our will.
So, take yourself out of the circle. It's the only way to stop what you've described here. Don't consume; shop locally, grow what veggies you can, and clean your own house.
I'm not trying to be unsympathetic or cold - you know me better than that (I hope!). But if the market supports the practices you so dislike, then you need to do everything in your power to reduce your participation in it.
Hello Diana, thank you for your
kinds words and " Heavens Meadow "
I really need to read up about this tomato business. As far as I can see, nobody's mentioned it here...
I noticed at most of our fast food places have signs up in the doorways warning us about the tomatoes. Its a sad business really.
No, you're not a redneck. Allowing illegal immigration is a slap in the face to all of our ancestors who jumped through all the hoops to become citizens of this country!
The thing is... If we hire illegals to clean our homes, we are embracing the problem. Look harder and longer for a local who would appreciate the work. Call your church and see who they have that cleans homes.
What I miss about the 70's is we all banned together and did not tolerate. I wish that would come back, and since we are baby boomers and are the bulk of the citizens here, it would be great if we could ban together again.
As long as your health will hold up to it, grow your own tomatoes and other veggies. I have this idea... If 10 or 15 of us got together and started a veggie club and each grew one item, we could do a swap coop and divide the veggies out. Most can be done in bins and can even be done on a deck in an apartment.
I do find it a far stretch that Florida and Mexico, Baha no less is likely. The distance between the two would suggest that it did not play leap frog.
I realize cleaning your home is not easy for you and it is a good thing to have someone come in and do it. Call Bea at my church office and see if she has someone who she knows to be trustworthy to do it for you. I will also check with Sandy and see who she is using or knows of.
Hang in there... And no you are not a redneck... You are another American who is feeling the crunch...
If I can get their from here, I'll do the cleaning.... lol...
My World - I'm sending you a ticket!
I am grateful to have the help, but its causing me psychological problems - what kind of wuss am I? Never mind, don't answer that.
I don't know if my immigrants are illegal (and I was such a stickler for I-9's in their separate little files at work!!!) - - - egads - well, William, I will wait for you....:)
I am growing vegetables, whoo hoo - learning something too - I think cucumbers and squash are winter crops in the south - poor limp things - they aren't making it - on the other hand the tomatoes are going to town - yeh! And herbs - although man (or woman) can't live on herbs alone - or can they?
A local farmers market has cropped up down town on Saturdays - hooray - this will work out great. There are alternatives!!! Also probably will be able to exchange growing ideas..hints - maybe even plant starts - I can't wait until Saturday to go check it out..
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