Yup, these are backwards, but I have a feeling I have a big day ahead, so's I'm not going to rearrange them for the post. Aren't those eggplants beautiful?
It seems like the word, eggplant, will either make people gag, or say, "yum."
I love them - stuffed or in Eggplant Parmesan. I invented my own EP recipe - and threw in okra to make it southern and because I love okra. So, I made the sauce from scratch, poured it over the crisply browned eggplant which was rolled in egg and flour, put a slice of mozzarella on top, lightly sprinkled with Parmesan, melted the cheese over all, and served with hot pasta and garden veggies. Grandson thought it was scrumptious. Future SIL ate with no compliment - but he's not the complimenting kind - eating it, being he's also a sausage man, was compliment enough. No one else would touch it - not even with a "ten foot pole." But it was fun. I ate some. Afraid to weigh today after this weekend spree. I haven't touched the Krispie Kremes though - hey, they are now using "healthy fat" for the decadent things, or rather I should say no trans-fats, which are the killer kind.
Went to art party last night - and blew a dud again - I am so uninspired.
Perhaps have an appointment with Dr. Lovely today - I don't know - soon will make phone calls. Lots of paperwork to do, and the "kids" - are moving back in here until their house is built - oi - Grandson is lost in a summer of play with a neighbor boy - that is excellent, next year he will be twelve - nothing better in childhood than long, long days of summer play, bikes, sleepovers, cold watermelon on the front porch, late sleep in mornings . . . .
SIL-to-be informed me we were having his family for the 4th of July - oi, again! Well, he barbecues and I can start my famous potato salad early, and I also make a deep dark chocolate cake with orange frosting for the 4th. If they don't like a house that has only narrow paths in which to traverse, tough. Perhaps it will be good to have towering (I don't feel tall with the "boys" around) raucous relatives - they do stick together......
I'm asking my missionary friend to come translate to the south of the border cleaning ladies who do not speak English and attempt to get a work permit out of them. I am so pain-in-the-whompess fixated on doing things "right" - which usually gets me in more trouble than "overlooking" things that are on the edge or over the edge...ok, ok, ok, I guess maybe in the fall, I will look into learning some, at least, rudimentary Spanish...ya never know when you'll need it. What is it they say? "Don't fight progress?" (Or, the lack of...)
And, I am starting my trip to Nepal. I decided. Don't know when. But I wrote it down. It will happen. I'm making a "dream it into reality board." How will I explain a photo of Bruce Willis on a motorcycle to "H"? Oh well, I have pictures of gorgeous women I am gluing on as well - Candy and Stagg have inspired me - collage, here I come! The images - ? It is the concept - of being fit, active, looking good, happy, achieving far flung, even far-out dreams. Gonna do it. I went through a list recently while cleaning files that I wrote years and years ago - even seemingly impossible dreams have been achieved.........so why not?
I am not big on over the border help. I figure enough of our own people need work and at least would be paying into the tax system. Plus, the government has a bad habit of making examples of people who cannot afford to fight them. It would be my luck for someone to report me; I would go to jail and they would simply trot off to someone elses house for another cleaning job. My luck has always been bad that way.
Yes, I'm hoping my friend who speaks de Spanish will help me move them on - they seem sweet, but I can't communicate with them - they just do what they want to do and ask for the dollars. I'm making a list of what needs done to see if the woman that does future SIL's would maybe be interested. People don't seem to want to do more than run a feather duster over the furniture, a mop to the floor and a vacuum. I need like the big stuff done that I can't do - I can dust, H vacuums - and I do the mop thing with the newfangled mop....
Off Topic here. Sorry for those e-mails. I dont know who sent them but its not me.. I have fixed it where my new e-mail is on my blog and my profile. I cant even log into my hotmail account. I dont have your e-mail anymore either because of this.
SME makes an amazing EP! L wasn't real wild about it, but Z and I loved it! That's about the only way we can get Z to eat veggies-covered with cheese and/or sauce.
Good luck with your dreams! I ran out of dreams a couple of years ago. I'd accomplished some, and threw out others that I wasn't interested in anymore.
Now I need new dreams. The only problem is that I can't think of any, other than getting Z established on his own.
tshsmom, for us its so easy to put everything on hold for the success of those we love....maybe too easy. Shouldn't say easy, but something fierce and natural - you keep those dreams tucked away for another day, ok? I figure when we're 90, they'll be done with us. :)
So TRUE! ;)
You "blew a dud"????? Okay, I did not think that was a dud!! You just have a lot of stress and stuff and no wonder it is hard to feel creative.
PS Wine helps!!! ;)
Hey Sisty,
I am in the same place that tshsmom is, don't seem to have any dreams now..just plugging away trying to live in a house that has been torn up for 7 months. I had to pitch a fit and take the key away..they had free access to the house, as they were using my bathrooms, plugging my toilet up and using my kitchen as a paint clean up area. So now I get to spend my day babysitting non English speaking workers so they don't crap in my toilet. ugghh!!!
I have become a staunch supporter of video surveillance, I wish I had the $$ and the forethought to set up a system so I could have seen what all had been going on in my home. Maybe I might not want to know ALL...haha.
Stress has been burning my brain..still have to get ready for trip..little things keep cropping up like the air conditioner in my car isn't working...not usually a problem here in the PNW, but it was 96, 89 and 91 for the last 3 days and this old bird can't take the heat like I used to. Weather has changed up here. Colder and more severe winters and hotter shorter summers. Still the thought of moving back to Wyoming and 9 months of freezing cold, ice wind ohhhh no no no.
I picky 'bout my toilet too - construction workers and landlords really need to use their own, the nearest convenience store, or a port-a-potty. Dang, what nerve. I slowly making progress for trip - got letter from doc stating that needles for meds are not terrorist tools, the meds are not disguised explosives, ordered meal replacement shake mix to mail directly to Csper so I won't get accused of carrying suspicious white powder, prepared vitamin packets - only gotta few baggy clothes, but less to worry about. No expensive makeup to be confiscated, will take some Maybeline. Try to remember to pack the wire bras, and wear a sports bra so we won't have boobs patted down again, put underwear in see through plastic bag, so the same fingers that have fingered hundreds of pairs of underwear will not be fingering mine. After a few airplane travels and the Wyoming landlords, I have privacy issues. LOL!
I love obergines! That's how eggplants are called in the UK: obergines. Ohhh obergines with tomato sauce and mozzarella...awwwwww it is HEAVEN! Or simply grilled with a little bit of olive oil... Actually, I was just thinking, you can cook obergines in *anyway* you like, and they always taste fab - they are as versatile as potatoes!
You are making me hungry, Gardenia!
Lotsa good stuff in this post. I felt like I was right there with you in your home listening to you tell me what is in your mind these days.
Good luck with all the 'oi's'!
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