Aren't these chalks pretty? The colors are full of light and vibrant. I think the Leopard Skin Shoes are mostly done. A bit of shading is all that's left and I'm going directly there as soon as I finish this post.
Wyoming friends are coming for sure starting next Sunday and will leave the following Saturday. I hope they find the property that will make them happy so they will have a place to escape the Wyoming winters. My mother tells me that three feet of snow was supposed to start last night and they are also expecting 70 mph winds. I could not live in that. I remember being so cold out there that my toes were blue.
Last night had pitas stuffed with a a vegetable salad mixture - today going to make curried vegetables. I'm the only person I know that can be sick with the flu for a month and gain nine pounds, but I did. Gotta get it off before it becomes 20.
The burn on right hand is healed up, I am able to get a shoe on the foot with the cut up toe, and the large burn on the arm is healing up nicely. Last night I dropped my super sharp serrated knife on my foot - thankfully the handle hit first. I'm thinking I need to go shopping for a pair of steel toed boots and fireproof gloves to cook in.
Going to the easel now, after getting dressed!
Perhaps you could get leopard skin steel toe caps? Fashionable and deadly if anyone annoys you...;-)
I've been catching up on your posts and it sounds like my bad luck is starting to rub off on you. Sorry about that!
The good news is that you must be healthy if you're healing up that fast. ;)
steel toed tennies are good! maybe you can borrow an nomax suit from a fireman!
- yes, a leopard skin fireman's suit to cook in - now that's rockin'
You know what?
My colleagues Bill and Rita had the flu and they also gained a few pounds. I think it's something with this darn heavy flu that does the rounds over the world.
Och, your food sounds so good...
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