This week grandson had a choir presentation and also a band concert. They were both quite good. It has been amazing to watch him pick up an instrument in September and play various songs in November and in "concert" with 100 other instruments.

We made an art room in the study with a paint cloth on the floor to protect the carpet and made the cats mad....haha, I think I shall cover the furniture in retro paint cloth and make a table cloth now that I have found something that cats avoid....can break all their nasty habits of dropping hair where it shouldn't be dropped.
Plus I had the flu, hurt myself in the toe and burned my hand and arm.....
"H" working long hours - tired all the time. I've been aching - don't know if it is from cold air (yes, yes, it's not REALLY cold down here) - or arthritis or WHAT! I thought I had lost a couple more discs in my neck but pain is abating some. I'm tired too since the flu. Guess some of my younger friends are dragging too - perhaps its the times we're living in - things changing so quickly, violence escalating - prices shooting out of control - feeding the kids - parents sick - political fights abound - we are told our country is broke, but then money seems to come out of nowhere for crazy things........
We were talking about maybe going to New Orleans for a weekend to see the Christmas lights, daughter is going this weekend for an Emily Autumn concert (Victorian Techno???) - maybe they can tell us if the trip will be worth taking - the whole face of New Orleans changed after Katrina....if not, perhaps can slip away to some quiet romantic place on the beach...."H" says he doesn't want to eat out - so what else is there? We could put on winter coats and have a long walk on the winter beach......OR CLEAN THE GARAGE.....
Having fun Christmas shopping - its easy this year - except the eternal clash between me wanting things done way ahead of time, and "H" wanting to wait until last minute....that is sort of throwing a "clink" into what could be a well oiled machine......
Thanksgiving with family this coming week -
Today some little girls came to my door with two absolutely adorable dogs - the dogs have been running the neighborhood obviously lost. Of course they sniffed me, decided to come on in and make themselves as home, ignoring the cats. OOOOOhhhh, I wanted to keep them - a gorgeous, dignified red dog - maybe a lab? and a smaller curly dog - a cockapoo? Well mannered and responded to voice commands - oh "H" would have shot me - and I really couldn't afford doggy vet bills since vets cost as much as neurologists (human ones!) anymore. But so sad, the beautiful things deserved better. Now, I will wonder what happened to them.
'Enough sketches of nudes'? Just as well. You'd need a bloody big bit of paper to sketch me!!!...;-)
Hope you get back on form soon babe. Pain in the butt when you don't 'feel right' in't it?
Where did the dogs end up? Rescue centre somewhere?
ps....thought of you in my last post...put up a vid of Monty Python's Dead Parrot Sketch where the bird is nailed to the perch!...;-)
I know cats vet bill each year isnt cheap. Her shots cost me like 75 dollars this year.. Yikess.. That photo of the two of you is precious.. I hope they found a home for the dogs..
I hope the dog owners had enough sense to "chip" their pets! Love your formal piccy. The evil M-I-L made it outta rehab and back into her retirement home today...wonder how long it will be before she ignores the docs orders to use a walker again?
thanks 4-D - I am feeling somewhat better the past three days or so - yeh! I don't know, I haven't been able to find out about the dogs. I still am thinking about them. Will see if I can find the
Dead Parrot post -
Punxxi - really amazed at MIL - she must be a tough bird....
Oh, I hope those poor doggies find somewhere safe to go! That's just heartbreaking, but there is only so much we can do. I would love to have adopted all the cats I've fostered over the years, but I could never afford it and I couldn't have taken more animals in that way, either.
Great photo, Gardenia! You look totally awesome!
WOW Gardenia!! You look wondeful!
Did you and H go to your grandson's choir presentation and concert dressed as in the picture? I bet you turned heads, all over!
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