Lately, the Lord has been impressing me to begin each day just verbally telling him that I am ready to perform any instructions that He gives me for the day, and that I need to give the day completely over to him for whatever He wants me to do and asking Him to please help me hear Him completely. (Sometimes I am a little hard of hearing, spiritually and in "the natural.") Verbally stating this will cement my quest for "purpose" and where "purpose" really comes from in my heart and wandering mind.
Ok. One thing for the general instructions, now, God, what about the specifics, the "here's step one....," etc in the loud booming voice? He gently reminds me "How many times have I spoke to you in a loud, booming voice?" "Well, God," I reply, "....uh, never?" "Exactly," He answers.
I think "Hmmm, what does the scripture say........ah, its about knocking and seeking Him, isn't it?" With all my heart! "What God, no more spooky movies?" "What does your heart tell you?" he replies. Okay, I'll give up dawdling in adrenalin that those spooky movies dish out. BUT another point - I am to conquer the spirit of Death in my own personal realm that He has given me authority over.
Gently, as I have in the past heard him speak, gently my heart tells me, "Well, do you want to walk with Him holding His hand, or just have Him as a friend that you let in when you have time?" Oh, OUCH! I'm so sorry God, help me in my weak mind! And I feel so frustrated thinking I may have wasted a year and one-half in "not getting it." I search the web, and I find the pattern - the pattern that shows me the way toward "Walking on my water."
I'll share it: Here it is: from a prophetic website: Sandie Freed: "Crossing Over Into Your Fulfilled Destiny"
It seems that I, along with numerous other prophets, have prophesied this same prophetic declaration for many years…"It’s time to cross over!" This decree of "crossing over" is referring to spiritually crossing over our Jordan to possess our breakthroughs and blessings in our Land of Promise or "The Promised Land."For a very LONG season we have been experiencing God’s "chronos" time. Chronos time refers to the natural time, the daily "grind" of life. This is the season in which we go through our normal daily activities, believing and hoping for the "kairos" time, which is the exact moment when the supernatural SHIFT occurs and we are launched into our promise.This is the time for you to shift into your next season of possession. Plunder the enemy’s camp, and take back all that was stolen, plus receive your promise of breakthrough and blessing in every area. Make this confession today, "I am crossing over!"Know Your Season for Enlargement--God is Overshadowing You with His Presence!The Months of March/April in Hebraic terms is referred to as Adar which means "The Pregnant Month." This is when our spiritual womb is being prepared for enlargement. A supernatural pregnancy involves the Lord overshadowing each of us with His glory. Remember when Mary, the mother of Jesus, received the prophecy that she would become pregnant with Jesus? She was overshadowed by the Lord’s presence and later birthed the prophetic declaration given to her by the angel, Gabriel. (See Luke 1:26-35). Mary’s response to the word of the Lord was "...be it unto me according to thy word." She was quick to come into full agreement with the will of God and then experienced her season of enlargement (pregnancy). Mary not only fulfilled her destiny, but she gave birth to the destiny of another! The very same potential is within each of us--to receive our prophetic destiny, become enlarged and pregnant with God’s will, then give birth to not only our future but also the future of the KINGDOM! As we come into full agreement with God’s Word, He will overshadow us with His presence and release us into our season of enlargement. Let’s not be like Zacharias, who doubted Elizabeth’s ability to overcome her barrenness. He was struck with dumbness, so that he could not speak negatively. His negative confessions may have aborted God’s plans, so the Lord caused him to not be able to speak out against His divine will. Though Elizabeth was cursed with barrenness, God desired to bless her womb. The Lord also desires to bless us and our spiritual wombs! It is His desire to release us from ALL barrenness and desolation and to also speak life into dormant dreams and destiny.A Time Such As This: Being Overshadowed with Divine Destiny!The time elements of God were historically built around Feasts. We have recently been in the specific season when the Jews celebrated the Feast of Purim. The feast was established by Esther as a season of remembrance. Esther wrote a written decree that every generation would remember this time because the curse of death and destruction from Haman, the Amalekite, had been revoked. And that these days should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city; and that these days of Purim should not fail from among the Jews, nor the memorial of them perish from their seed. (Esther 9:28) Most of you can easily recall the story of Esther and how she came forth "for such a time as this." She, as well as all of her household (including the entire Jewish nation) was destined to experience enlargement and deliverance (See Esther 4:13-14).
Haman, a descendent of King Agag, the Amalekite, had devised an evil plot to destroy not only Esther, but the entire Jewish nation. Mordecai appealed to Esther and reminded her of the Jewish destiny concerning deliverance and enlargement. Mordecai said that deliverance and enlargement was destined to come, but unless Esther stepped into her place, neither she nor her descendents would witness the enlargement. Esther must have realized that her moment in history to make a difference had arrived. Though she most likely did not plan for her life to take this particular charted direction, Esther must have realized the potential for aborted destiny. As a result, Esther applied faith to the favor granted her, laid down her life, and then she approached the king. Like Esther, we must have faith that God has given us abundant favor and then begin to walk in that new measure of Godly favor.Two Death Structures Threaten Our EnlargementEsther knew that there were two death structures against which she would be at war. One was the fear of death. Esther knew that if she were not summoned by the king, she could lose her life. If the king’s scepter were not extended, the penalty for presumptuously approaching the throne was immediate death. Esther laid down her life for the destiny of the Kingdom!The second death structure was already in the making. It was a literal structure with a hangman’s noose awaiting...the gallows. Haman ordered the construction of the gallows, specifically to hang Mordecai. Precious Saints of God, the enemy has also plotted against each of us. The Amalekite stronghold, which aborts your destiny, eagerly awaits your destruction! However, if we choose to die to self and embrace the advancement of the Kingdom of God, we can be empowered to walk in our full potential and achieve our destiny. I have written several chapters on the Amalekite spirit, and how this evil strongman aborts destiny in my book, Destiny Thieves. (Destiny Thieves is available from the Elijah List; please see the description and the ordering information at the end of this word). It is very important for each of us to realize that we are in a kairos NOW time! In order to fully cross over into our future, our Promised Land, we must defeat the Amalekites. Defeating and Overthrowing Death StructuresEsther defeated the death structures by not only laying down her life for the benefit of the Kingdom, but also through divine favor. However, this awesome level of favor was given to Esther because of her character. She had endured twelve months of purification. Twelve is the symbolic number of government. As a result of her dedication to purity, she was empowered to walk into a governmental position where she was given power to reverse a decree of death against her, her household and the entire Jewish nation. If we also lay down our lives, develop the Kingdom mentality, and allow the Lord to purify our motives, then it is possible that the same ability to reverse decrees of death will be given to each of us! Don’t Attempt to Skip!To receive divine empowerment to overthrow death structures, we cannot skip the myrrh season! It will not be over in just one day; Esther had 6 months with this oil. Myrrh is bitter to the taste, yet has many healing qualities. Though we go through bitter experiences, we must allow the Lord to heal our hearts and settle us firmly into His divine plans. Myrrh was also an oil which prepared bodies for burial. Once more, we recognize how valuable it is to die to self and selfish ambition in order to gain power and authority on this earth. Esther’s Hebrew name was Hadassah, meaning fragrance of the myrtle tree. This is the fragrance we must also carry with us as we approach the King to gain favor. As a result, we too can shift demonic structures of death and release life to our circumstances.Decree a Thing and it Shall be EstablishedThou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. (Job 22:28) When we make a decree, the Word of God says that it becomes established. In other words, the decree can become a foundation upon which to build. Many of us are attempting to build our future, but we are not coming into agreement with God’s Word. Therefore, we are also not decreeing what God has already spoken concerning the situation. Satan has already devised a plan of destruction against us. For many of us, we have battled the spirit of death, and aborted dreams, since the time of our birth. However, we can reverse every decree the enemy has made concerning our lives by writing a NEW decree.Esther wrote a new decree, and it released the entire Jewish nation from a death assignment. We, also, can write a new decree, and that new decree will reverse the curse of death. Just like Esther, God is giving us the same opportunities to write a decree concerning our finances, our health, our children, our houses and whatever concerns us.
Esther 8:7-8 says, "Then the king Ahasuerus said unto Esther the queen and to Mordecai the Jew, Behold, I have given Esther the house of Haman, and him they have hanged upon the gallows, because he laid his hand upon the Jews. Write ye also for the Jews, as it liketh you, in the king’s name, and seal it with the king’s ring: for the writing which is written in the king’s name, and sealed with the king’s ring, may no man reverse."
Notice in Esther 8:7-8 that Esther was given the house of Haman (How many of you desire a new house? Decree it!) She was told to write a decree, "as you like," and then God would seal it. The decree was written in everyone’s own language so that it was easily understood. Pray, Get God’s Direction, Write the New DecreePlease take some time to pray, and write a decree in your own words. Get real with God. Pour out your heart to Him, and let His Spirit guide you while you write a new decree over your life. Getting up-close and personal with Father will ensure that your decree is from a pure motive. Then, write out a new decree and believe God to reverse the curse of death.Here is an example of a written decree (but, remember, this needs to be in your own words):Father, I realize that the devil has decreed death and destruction over my life. I have battled with a spirit of poverty and hopelessness for a very long time. I believe it began from the time I was born. Since I was a child, I have battled fear and anxiety. I realize that this is NOT what You have decreed over my life. You have stated in your Word that I am called and chosen. Your Word states that I am the head and not the tail. I receive a new measure of faith today. I decree that I will no longer be fearful because I am trusting in You. In the name of Jesus, I repent from being in covenant with the words of satan, and I believe that I am loosed from captivity. I am being established and positioned for abundant wealth according to Your divine purpose. Amen.Tell the devil..."IT IS WRITTEN!"When Jesus was in the wilderness and satan tempted Him, Jesus replied to his enemy with these words..."It is written...." Now that you have written your decree that reverses the curse of death and destruction, tell the devil "IT IS WRITTEN", and shift into your new measure of victory.Cross Over Into Your Promise!
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