I think the ducks gave me a lesson in life.
Looking for a home today, to get away from apartment life - the noise, the snooping, the washing of the money down the drain with nothing to show for it when it is time to go. The freedom to keep my windows open if I want, to have a cat or dog or rat or bird, and a flower garden. Or all of these. We'll see what the bank says Monday.
Now, going to fix my hair, iron some clothes, and go to the Governor's dinner and auction. Oh dear. Politics year. I watched Joe Biden on TV last night and had to laugh - are those false teeth or lumieniers? He can work a crowd. Then watched our highest leader speak on TV, has he developed a speech impediment? Ooooh, the lady reporter got a nipping at the ankles. (Hmmm, after this roundup (I believe a harvest from governmental internet snooping) of terrorists, perhaps I don't mind so much being hassled at aiports - oh YES I DO!) But I'm starting to get really p_____ off at terrorists.
Then too, the anniversary of the attacks in London was yesterday.
Yeh. Weekend is here. I like it.
Ya buyin' a house?
Just inquiring - mobile home. Don't know if I can, don't want to 2nd mortgage the home villa.
Diana - there is much to this post and I'm really enjoying it here in California on this lovely Sunday morning. I can see the ducks you see. I can see them "working the river." Ducks do what God made them to do. How great it is for them to merely "be ducks"...I suppose, as human beings, when we are disconnected from our God-given shape, we are lost and don't accomplish much.
Best wishes on finding a new home. Sounds like a nice adventure!
Who isn't pissed off at terrorists? Arseholes all...
Went to Kew gardens today n saw some ducks with ducklings. Not that long hatched I'd say. One hadn't quite got the hang of swimming yet n kept trying to flap his stubby wings to move. Hysterical to watch! Then he was in trouble n me n Caz were worried. An adult came from the nest n pulled the chick back in. Amazing stuff!!!!
good luck on getting your house! let us know how it goes!
Awwwww. Woulda liked to have seen the baby duckys. Well, day 4 after looking at the house and doing an on-line application for financing. Does no reply mean no?
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