Going to be gone for a couple of days so, posting early.
At the request of Pickled Olives, here it 'tis... THE LIST
1. Getting old in the body, but not in the head.
2. Lost 15 pounds since going to Florida and coming back to get fired.
3. I have a raven tattoo, ha hoo.
4. I love curries, indian food.
5. I love my kids, grandkids, madly.
6. I love music, but am a music idiot sort of.
7. I love anything to do with computers.
8. I want to be a well known artist.
9. I would like to learn how to tattoo.
10.I yearn to get closer to God.
11. I can live for three days off of artichoke hearts.
12. I can live for three days off of palm hearts.
13. I had a very miserable childhood.
14. Add into that miserable teen years.
15. Married at 17 to get out of house.
16. Divorced at 18 when I got pregnant.
17. Second time around, married a Pakistani, lasted two days, he went back to Pakistan, returned two years later, and I stayed married two more years so he could get citizenship even though I hit the road at his return.
18. Married a country boy from Iowa who was the baby of the family. He wanted to stay in that position. Another divorce.
19. Hitchhiked to the East Village in New York City from Baltimore, Maryland (with a girl friend.)
20. Have always adored Bob Dylan.
21. I think Elvis was the sexiest man ever alive on earth.
22. Tried out to be a playboy bunny. (Picture a six foot two woman in five inch heals and a bunny tail - of course, I did not get picked.)
23. Fell in love with an artist - the love of my youth. Whatever that kind of love was.
24. Pretended to be an intellectual - this charms older guys when you are a pretty young thing.
25. Spent ten years of my life not watching TV, movies, listening to "secular" music, to get closer to God.
26. Spent two days with the Hare Krishnas in New York.
27. Traveled to Albania.
28. Worked ten years for a missions organization.
29. Worked ten years for a municipality.
30. Worked two years in an insane county.
31. Used to be a wimp, now you can't back me down, ever.
32. Loved cats. Now, like cats.
33. Dogs overwhelm me. I don't like fighting to be alpha every minute. They don't understand me when I claim to be Alpha Woman.
34. I like deep sea fishing.
35. I like deli food.
36. Want to abruptly throw clothes, kids, grandkids in car and go to Graceland.
37. Want to dance on the beach in the moonlight in celebration of upcoming birthday.
38. I have too much of a conviction of what is right. It is hard for me to look away from wrong doings if it affects me.
39. I can't save, I like to buy presents way too much.
40. I love tomato soup with crackers.
41. I used to never sleep in, now I love to.
42. I like fluffy down things, pillows, covers, vests.
43. I have an eclectic bunch of friends.
44. I am conservative mostly except for a few idiosyncracies. :)
45. I am still looking to what my future might bring.
46. If I had the money, I would get plastic surgery - what kind is your guess, tee hee.
47. Actually, I would love an extreme makeover.
48. I am loyal, extremely loyal, until I have been betrayed.
49. I love pampering at the spa when I get a chance.
50. I cry when I see a Dolphin jump out of the water on the bay.
51 I cry when I read about a manatee being ripped by a boat and killed.
52. I cry a lot.
53. I love clothes, if I were rich I would have the hugest closet full!
54. I get very ticked when the environment, children, women, men, get abused.
55. I love French Bakery's.
56. I love old movies, if they are good. (Casablanca, etc.)
57. I want to be a writer.
58. I spent a lot of years thinking I was ugly, gawky, & no one could love me.
1. Getting old in the body, but not in the head.
2. Lost 15 pounds since going to Florida and coming back to get fired.
3. I have a raven tattoo, ha hoo.
4. I love curries, indian food.
5. I love my kids, grandkids, madly.
6. I love music, but am a music idiot sort of.
7. I love anything to do with computers.
8. I want to be a well known artist.
9. I would like to learn how to tattoo.
10.I yearn to get closer to God.
11. I can live for three days off of artichoke hearts.
12. I can live for three days off of palm hearts.
13. I had a very miserable childhood.
14. Add into that miserable teen years.
15. Married at 17 to get out of house.
16. Divorced at 18 when I got pregnant.
17. Second time around, married a Pakistani, lasted two days, he went back to Pakistan, returned two years later, and I stayed married two more years so he could get citizenship even though I hit the road at his return.
18. Married a country boy from Iowa who was the baby of the family. He wanted to stay in that position. Another divorce.
19. Hitchhiked to the East Village in New York City from Baltimore, Maryland (with a girl friend.)
20. Have always adored Bob Dylan.
21. I think Elvis was the sexiest man ever alive on earth.
22. Tried out to be a playboy bunny. (Picture a six foot two woman in five inch heals and a bunny tail - of course, I did not get picked.)
23. Fell in love with an artist - the love of my youth. Whatever that kind of love was.
24. Pretended to be an intellectual - this charms older guys when you are a pretty young thing.
25. Spent ten years of my life not watching TV, movies, listening to "secular" music, to get closer to God.
26. Spent two days with the Hare Krishnas in New York.
27. Traveled to Albania.
28. Worked ten years for a missions organization.
29. Worked ten years for a municipality.
30. Worked two years in an insane county.
31. Used to be a wimp, now you can't back me down, ever.
32. Loved cats. Now, like cats.
33. Dogs overwhelm me. I don't like fighting to be alpha every minute. They don't understand me when I claim to be Alpha Woman.
34. I like deep sea fishing.
35. I like deli food.
36. Want to abruptly throw clothes, kids, grandkids in car and go to Graceland.
37. Want to dance on the beach in the moonlight in celebration of upcoming birthday.
38. I have too much of a conviction of what is right. It is hard for me to look away from wrong doings if it affects me.
39. I can't save, I like to buy presents way too much.
40. I love tomato soup with crackers.
41. I used to never sleep in, now I love to.
42. I like fluffy down things, pillows, covers, vests.
43. I have an eclectic bunch of friends.
44. I am conservative mostly except for a few idiosyncracies. :)
45. I am still looking to what my future might bring.
46. If I had the money, I would get plastic surgery - what kind is your guess, tee hee.
47. Actually, I would love an extreme makeover.
48. I am loyal, extremely loyal, until I have been betrayed.
49. I love pampering at the spa when I get a chance.
50. I cry when I see a Dolphin jump out of the water on the bay.
51 I cry when I read about a manatee being ripped by a boat and killed.
52. I cry a lot.
53. I love clothes, if I were rich I would have the hugest closet full!
54. I get very ticked when the environment, children, women, men, get abused.
55. I love French Bakery's.
56. I love old movies, if they are good. (Casablanca, etc.)
57. I want to be a writer.
58. I spent a lot of years thinking I was ugly, gawky, & no one could love me.
59. Now I'm sad I didn't know that I was beautiful. This is a lot of our stories, huh?
60. Me as a Jr. in High School - see piccy above.
61. I'm almost a compulsive worrier.
62. I like a place with everything in its place, but can rarely achieve it.
63. I used to like to go to the hospital when I was a child, it was comforting. (Go figure)
64. Iranians used to run after me - they thought I was bea-you-tee-ful, like movie star.
65. In my 20's & 30's I hid from Iranian men who thought I was bea-you-tee-ful like movie star.
66. I used to be attracted to bad relationships - I think. Somehow ended up in them.
67. I've been married to same hubby since 1973. Record!
68. My boss talked me out of moving to Pakistan with the 2nd hubby. Said he might have another wife. Good boss! There was a first wife, I would be second wife also four children he forgot to mention.
69. I have allergies.
70. I love to travel world wide, fantasy trip: Orient Express from England to Instanbul!
Now I tag YOU!
Congrats on losing 15 lbs!!! Sorry about the job though:-(
I love tomato soup with crackers too;-)
Indian food!!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...curry
OK - just catching up here on everything that's transpired since I last read and since you put the privacy controls on. WILD! I am so sorry this sh*t is happening to you, my friend! I am unclear about where you are going TO. Florida, I assume? A big move, and traumatic circumstances. I wish you all the best. When you set up your new blog, let me know. In the meantime, take good care.
WC (do not like the fact that I have to sign in with my Google account; I'd like to keep using my Blogger name but it won't let me! I am ticked! And NOT switching to Beta yet.)
I just learned a LOT about you. You've had quite a journey through this life, haven't you? You make my life sound pretty boring. ;)
No wonder all those men were after you...hubba hubba. I love the 60's hairdo!
WC, I don't understand why our blogger accounts don't count as a Google account either! :(
Fortunately, I set up an email account just for my blog, so my identity comes through the same.
Wow, your photo is beautiful. As you said, life does a number on us - by the time we realize we were beautiful, all we have left to show for it is inside us.
So, 3 days, just artichoke hearts? Really? Wow.
As for #46 - anal lightening???
Congrats on being married for 33 years! Kinda puts the past history of bad relationships, well, in the past!
Wonderful list!
I had a feeling you were fascinating! Here's mine:If I Were Ever a Category in Trivial Pursuit, this List Would be Very Useful
i dun even has 70 things it was hard enuff 2 do 6!
gl on tha trip!
HAPPY SUPER DUPER BIRTHDAY, my fellow Capricorn! I hope you have a fantastic birthday!
Diana - what a life, my friend. Thank you for inviting me to post on your blog. : )
21., 36. Elvis is my first love. : ) John Lennon my second.
32. This cracks me up.
39. I'm relating to this way too much...
57. You are.
I may not make it to the Orient Express but this ride so far's doing me just fine! What a journey....!
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