Goodbye, goodbye my Florida once again and for a while. This was sunset tonight. Nice, huh? This is awful, but I haven't slept much for five nights just thinking of returning to work........checked on the decompression therapy today..........and then called my old chiropractor......he thinks the chiros here that do the decompression are not perhaps as qualified or successful as they are advertising......women's hair things - got almost my whole face waxed today, eyebrows done - woo, woo - my youngest has informed me the younger crowd has more than their face waxed nowadays - and I'm thinking "Oh, is this more information than I want, but I do not want to gross out my gynocologist - oh what to do now." Just in case you are laughing - who ever wants to talk about hair removal - hahah, do any of you remember the days of the Epilady? An electonic device similar to a razor - only it ripped the hair out of your legs? You would epilady and scream. OK, now I bet you wish I was blogging as if the government was still watching!
hay jsut wanna let u no i find my way inhere but it cahnges my name as u can c
I remember the Epilady, of course! I think I still have my Mum's somewhere here. I don't know why I thought I'd borrow this terrible instrument of torture from her! I would normally use cream, but I think I have developed some sort of sensitivity to it, so unless I can find a good waxing place around here (which is not going to happen any time soon), I'll stick to razors!
It's nice to have your eyebrows done, though, isn't it? And it lasts forever, unlike plucking...
I have made it!
This chick would NEVER wax anything below my bellybutton but above my knees(if you get my drift)! Besides, my bikini days are long gone. ;)
Hi...mister anchovy here....your privacy settings are like visiting Fort Knox....to comment I have to use this other strange name because I can't use my non-beta ID and I can't switch to the new Blogger for who know's what reason.....but I don't much want to post under this name, so my comments to your blog will unfortunately be limited until the Illuminati at Blogger switch me over and give me a Google account for mister anchovy. C'est la vie.
I appreciate your need for privacy, though, and I hope this works out OK for you.
All the best in 2007.
Never epilady'd anything! Tried those nasty wax strips and all they did was melt wax all over places where I didn't want wax. Then I had TWO problems.
Anyway, Florida sure looks pretty!!! And she's there anytime you want to go back.
Agree with the others, razors work just fine.
I too remember the epilady. Never tried it personally as I'd had the benefit of friends who had tried it. No thank you. I haven't had my eyebrows plucked or waxed in years but they look fairly ok (or at least I think so) without it. I LOVE waxing though. Due to my PCOS, I tend to get some hairs on my chin which I wax myself at home. If I could though I'd get my underarms and bikini waxed every few weeks at the salon. Heaven! (The results, not the actual process...)
Just for the record, waxing is less painful than the tattoo!
Thanks for the hairy stories! Poor puppy - thanks for wondering into this one!
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