Flowers to all of you for negotiating the maze to loftyperch. (You folks have seen me through a lot of stuff out here!)
I was locked out of blogger for a few days myself because I couldn't find my password. I just don't know what else to do other than quit blogging!
Any of you who read this - never, never, never read your comments at work or even in the privacy of your own home, blog about work, as you could go down on your job! (BUT in our corporate culture, its ok to go outside and and smoke several times a day, order from the Schwann's man, spend hours on the phone, etc., and gossip about coworkers, bosses, etc.) Blogging can be used as a weapon against you. Probably not legally, but you could be hassled until you were ready to hang yourself. I would've never dreamed. Anyway, I, before the privacy controls, was sure having a lot of hits! (There's not much for people to do out here but mind someone else's business, thus my grandma's many amusing euphanisms.)
New News: Drove through ground blizzards to get to work at 8:00 a.m. My computer was missing and my whole work area looked like a burglar had turned everything upside down. SD was waiting..............she promptly fired me, no reason stated, told me to get my personal things and leave. She was at war with me from the beginning because she had applied for my job. I just want them to give me the money due me for paycheck and final for unused benefits and the whopping two weeks severance pay offered so I can get on with my life and leave the cesspool to the sharks who like to swim in it. I had felt in my heart, I would be here only to get my boss through the elections. Little did I know the hell entailed in that road! Then I starting thinking, maybe two more years and retirement - but I tried, and the only failing is to not try at anything.
When I walked out of there, I felt like an elephant had been removed from my shoulders.
For those of you who tried to email me, my email address was also down - the provider told me that the address was associated with another account, not mine. Well, that scared the whoodiddy out of me, thinking that these people accessed my personal computer somehow. So the Bresnan.net address is re-associated with MY account once again with a new IP address assignment and new password. When I asked who it was associated with, they just blithly told me that "actually it was just 'disassociated'." What kind of explanation is that? I will be glad to hit that highway so I can quit looking over my shoulder wondering what will happen next.
Success: I did bring home my car that no longer has a crushed trunk! The next few days will be spent packing, sorting personal papers, etc. I can't even begin to think about back surgery. I just want out even if I have to crawl, so I will feel like they can't cause me anymore harm or grief. I'm getting so paranoid, I'm wondering if the "accident" that caused my back trouble was even really an "accident." It happened right in the middle of elections. I travel the same road everyday, day in and day out.
I guess paranoid means just thinking someone is after you. So, since there really is someone(s) after me, that leaves me sane, doesn't it?
Success: The battery for my camera finally arrived and that is what was wrong with the camera. Whew! I was thinking it was done for.
Blessing: Had a great Christmas just being with family, and that's all I usually want except for all the stuff that is broken and thrown in the garage to be fixed. But I got a beautiful leather jacket, a DVD player, a pedicure, nice eyebrows, a PDA/cell phone that will take some time to learn how to use - I have lusted quietly after one of those for months - new slacks & sweater, and just treated like royalty.
Gotta get to busting business around here - I want to have a load ready for my mom's garage when I go to pick up Ms. Meowi from boarding as soon as the roads clear a bit. Will try to drop by everyone's blogs as I take a breaks from sorting and packing.
I hope you told SD to kiss your a**?!
I'm happy that this drama is over for you!! Life's too short for the BS you've been putting up with!
Take anything of value to your Moms, pack up the cat, and HEAD HOME! Leave all the broken AV devices, and dirty cat litter for your landlord; he deserves them. ;)
thsmom: teehee - what a brilliant idea!
I'm slightly confused...you came all the way back to Wisconsin to get fired? Is this SD person a complete crack head? How ridiculous. Anyways, glad to know the elephant is no longer perched on your shoulder and hopefully this is a sign that the new year will be a big improvement!
I mean Wyoming...
Yep, I told her that was rude of her, I could have packed up in December and just stayed! She seemed rather pleased with herself. Yes, she's something - she sent the Sheriff out this a.m. to pick up a key I forgot to turn in.
hmmm u want some puppy land mines 4 her desk? neways im glad u fell better n mabe ur back will 2 sincs stress messes up evething
And Good riddens to 2006! Hello positive direction 2007!
I say add her (SD)name to all sorts of raunchy mailing lists. Send her the occasional random Dear Abby with a note that says, hey - read this and thought of you!
Ah - it's probably better to move on and keep that elephant in WY!
Happy healthy 2007!
Let me make a suggestion. My back was really, really bad. Everytime I walked into new salon, it hurt even worse. Made me feel like new salon was not from God.
But now that I am out of the tyranical hold of Little Napoleon at old salon, my back is not hurting.
My point, maybe when you are away from all the devil's elves at this old job, your stress will fall off you and your back will heal. Plus, at my new salon, is a lot of healing therapists, reflexology, essential oils, etc.
Love you bunches.
Hi great to be back at your blog.
This entire story is shocking and just mystifying...hard to even believ.
I agree with Hattigrace, I think your back stress will decrease with the new changes.
I also think if all else fails...you will have a new perspective on your life in Florida and have a lot of appreciation for all the simple things. Don't worry about money and the future in the same way. The worry hasn't helped you at all this past year...so let it go.
Things will work out with just enjoying your life, family and art.
What about getting someone to help you with starting a new blog. Copy the template info and load it into a new address WITHOUT any reference to your old job or those keywords that someone could track you through.
Just an idea. Or maybe just start a new blog up with new name etc...when you get settled.
I am very glad to see you again and hope everything just fades and I bet in a couple months we all might be able to laugh about your adventures in politics...see no wonder politicians are so messed up as leaders...the whole system invites games.
candyminx, you are sooooooooooooo right. That's a plan of action!
Good to see you're back up. I'm going to be taking a break from posting for a little while. I've got an ugly situation with my exhusband and his new wife and the way they are messing with my children. The ex and his wife read my blog and I can't write about it honestly, but it's all I think about so I've got nothing else to say...you know what I mean? So I'll still be reading and commenting...my favorite blogs give me a lot of joy.
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